Example sentences of "[conj] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Agreement is sought and where not reached a fair statement of disagreement is provided .
2 Tell the young mother whose child has just received fifteen thousand pounds after the diagnosis of leukaemia , that you should n't have filled the policy because the contexts where not standardised .
3 At secondary level , however , where replacement of the Church was more problematical , there is little doubt that the ban on church schools , where not flouted , was in the short term harmful to educational provision .
4 Where the task involves a number of choices , i.e. there is a choice reaction time , it has long been recognised that reaction time rose progressively with the number of possible choices , but why and to what extent where not understood .
5 Also , difference due to sex where not found to be significant in this study .
6 Eutrophic flushed peat is flushed by seepage waters rich in mineral plant-nutrients and usually supports a wide range of plant species , including reeds , tall sedges and flush alderwood where not reclaimed .
7 You note that he resented them , where them is plural , and you may consider what plural entity may be both resented and worn ( or not worn ) .
8 I quote from this report on secondary education because I find the debate about whether or not to withdraw pupils with special needs is one which occupies the minds of primary teachers as well .
9 In the case described in our earlier debate by the hon. Gentleman , the local authority would make its decision to withdraw or not to withdraw discount on the basis of whether it thought that the dwelling in question was the auntie 's sole or main residence .
10 Sometimes the purpose is simply intimidatory , as with the racist march , rather than an attempt to coerce persons into taking or not pursuing any particular course of action , and it is difficult to see that conditions could be imposed on a ‘ racist ’ march on this ground alone .
11 One of the most difficult decisions he was faced with in recent years was whether or not to sell the foods business , particularly as it involved disposing of Cadbury 's Cocoa , the product with which his great-grandfather launched the company .
12 I regularly confront a decision , for example , whether or not to sell certain shares , in varying circumstances .
13 The decision whether or not to sell a product will depend on which ones make a positive contribution .
14 ‘ With his ultimate decision on whether or not to sell entirely dependent on how successfully you cope in his absence . ’
15 Whether she accepts the one or not to sell and she er mm , oh that 's quite nice .
16 Whether she does this or not depends , in Britain , on her own personality and on the attitude of her parents-in-law .
17 ‘ We have no doubt that intensification of use can be a material change of use , whether it is or not depends upon the degree of intensification .
18 Deciding whether to defer retirement or not depends on the level of your earnings and the pension you would get .
19 Whether he goes back again or not depends on his fight to regain his Liverpool spot .
20 He said , ‘ Sister , that boy has got to run his course to crisis , and whether he survives or not depends not on myself or on any other member of the medical staff of this hospital .
21 The question of whether someone has suffered special damage or not depends on the facts of the particular case , and so is very much in the discretion of the court .
22 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
23 For Kuhn , whether a field qualifies as a science or not depends on whether or not it conforms to the account of science offered in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions .
24 Whether you make it or not depends largely on how much you are prepared to give . ’
25 Whether they do or not depends on their duration and the personal circumstances of the individual .
26 In this situation , whether an arbitrage transaction is attractive or not depends on the time preferences of the arbitrageur , and it is not possible to state a general no-arbitrage condition .
27 Whether they do so or not depends simply on the decisions which teachers , headteachers , local authority officers and elected members choose to make .
28 These examples show that , as in all cases , whether an adjective counts as restrictive or not depends on what exactly is in the mental focus of the speaker on any particular token occasion , and definitely not on any relation of inclusion that might exist between the meanings of the adjective and noun as type elements , such as could be found in the dictionary ( or more accurately between those parts of an external world which might be correlated with the meanings of the adjective and noun ) .
29 Nor from the point of view of the speaker , is there any hard and fast boundary between these and a non-restrictive adjective used in order to make explicit some property , when it is suspected that the hearer is unaware that it is implied by the use of the noun , as with poisonous in : ( 10 ) she threw Maisie 's lunch-box out of the window because it had a poisonous red-back spider in it Note that ( 10 ) further exemplifies the fact that whether an adjective is taken as restrictive or not depends on the rest of the entity-identifying phrase rather than just on the head noun .
30 Whether one agrees with this or not depends , of course , on how one defines " pornography " .
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