Example sentences of "[conj] call for " in BNC.

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1 There had been little investigation or calling for witnesses .
2 It is always a dodgy business , sacking a manager or calling for his sacking .
3 The only practical problem encountered ( apart from cases where the proffered acknowledgement form was ignored , and the seller returned his own acknowledgement form or called for a special negotiation ) was that some sellers ' administrative systems required the issue of their own acknowledgement form before an order could be logged .
4 The pragmatist may say : judges decide on pragmatic grounds all the time , and the people do not revolt or call for impeachment .
5 This is a condensed account of the factors which complicate the business of speaking and listening — readers will easily add for themselves their own accounts of the personal and emotional features which make for vulnerability or call for sensitivity .
6 Also staff working in leisure areas , such as swimming pools or fitness rooms , sometimes have two-way radios in order to alert the reception desk in the event of an accident or call for assistance .
7 ( 6 ) Where an award has been given in the absence of a party , the arbitrator shall have power on that party 's application to set the award aside and to order a fresh hearing as if the award were a judgment and the application were made pursuant to Ord 37 , r 2. ( 7 ) With the consent of the parties and at any time before giving his decision and either before or after the hearing , the arbitrator may consult any expert or call for an expert report on any matter in dispute or invite an expert to attend the hearing as assessor .
8 Following blast at its offices at Charlemont Place in Armagh , spokesman Paul Jackson said students should not telephone the board or call for the next two weeks until the backlog of work has been cleared .
9 Art & Tech has outlined an extremely ambitious programme that calls for three different mid-engined sports car to be produced .
10 Both show life in a mining town with some degree of realism and Reed 's picture , about a community in which the miners are browbeaten into working a coal seam which the proprietor knows to be dangerous , links itself to the documentarist sensibility with an opening voiceover referring to those ‘ simple working people who take heroism for granted as part of their daily lives ’ , and a concluding epilogue that calls for the world to be ‘ purged of its old greeds . ’
11 After the facts come recipes — broccoli with oyster sauce , hot-sour prawn salad , and rudjak , an Indonesian fruit and vegetable salad with hot dressing that calls for trassi ( described earlier in the book ) , an intriguing paste of rotted shrimps that smells of meat extract .
12 As the implications of another disastrous election defeat begin to be analysed , it is clear that calls for the Labour Party to embrace PR as a way of breaking the Tory stranglehold are gaining in strength .
13 To be brutal , no plan for a branch of public expenditure that calls for an end to disparities by ‘ levelling-up resources ’ across the board will ever drown out the office CD of the former Chief Secretary to the Treasury .
14 Rather than inventing a unique fictional world , it creates a recognisable reality that calls for accuracy .
15 Furthermore , if authenticity is to be defined as natural language behaviour ( and it is hard to see how else it might be defined ) there is also the difficulty that learners will naturally incline to draw on their own language in any situation that calls for uncontrived linguistic communication .
16 Now comes the part that calls for real concentration and a steady hand — applying the glue or adhesive .
17 This is changing fast , and clients are more and more wanting advice and action that calls for considerable finesse , knowledge , and intelligence .
18 A state of life that calls for another way of living .
19 In consequence , they tend to see a simple one-to-one relation between attitudes , interests , and group organisation , and so they take the interest group world as a given that arises " naturally " in a way that calls for no complicated explanation .
20 Sizzling occasion that calls for cool drinks and suntan lotion
21 Barthes 's S/Z brings the reader into particular prominence first in its concept of the scriptible that calls for active involvement on the part of the reader in the production of the text ( which is not to forget that in Critique et vérité Barthes had already described the critic as someone who has actively to produce a meaning for the polysemic text ) ; and second , in its thoroughly intertextual view of literature .
22 ‘ Be your own lawyer and you 'll have a fool for a client ’ , is an adage that calls for another : ‘ Employ a lawyer and he 'll have a pauper for a client ’ — Sunday Times .
23 " A comprehensive national energy strategy that calls for energy conservation and efficiency , increased development , and greater use of alternative fuels .
24 Conference , I ask you to support this motion that calls for a publicity campaign to name those employers and establishments that exploit th their staff so they can make a fat profit , and to update the hotel list .
25 If , as is postulated here , usage is determined by the meaning to be expressed , the answer must be that there are two different ways of conceiving causation in English , make representing it in a way that calls for the bare infinitive , cause in a way requiring the representation of abstract movement in time signified by to .
26 It 's an exciting game that calls for great skill .
27 Making OPP film — coextruded oriented polypropylene — is a precise art that calls for careful handling .
28 Some fans have been on to say that calling for the manager 's dismissal is not the answer .
29 One of the issues that called for more profound thought than usual was the direction United Biscuits should take after its products had come to command the lion 's share of the market and could n't be expected to squeeze out many more sales .
30 These were films that had been grafted onto the Gaumont-British production programme , rather than emerging out of the script department as projects with potential that called for higher expenditure .
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