Example sentences of "[conj] be give " in BNC.

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1 When we have given , or been given , a seemingly adequate theoretical account of our processes , then that account may itself need to be understood and analysed in a further , meta-theoretical discourse , and so on .
2 Leaving such miscommunications aside , though , it is still true to say that we search for confirmation , and I have found myself reluctant to make the telephone call or write the letter of sympathy in case I have heard it wrongly or been given the wrong information .
3 At the end of the call , quickly run through what has been said , to make sure that you have taken the right order or been given the correct information .
4 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
5 If the Pritchetts had n't taken me in , I 'd have probably been put in an orphanage and never had the educational advantages or been given the opportunities that have come my way . ’
6 After all , the inspector himself admitted wondering whether Nicola had learnt or been given something that put her in danger .
7 The Earth 's own magnetic field has a pulse frequency of 10 Hz ( 10 pulses/second ) and it has been found that if patients are placed in magnetic fields of around 10 Hz , or are given electro-acupuncture at 10 Hz , healing can be speeded up .
8 The hypocrites take , or are given , all , and once they have it , show their real selves .
9 They either share the children 's room or are given " quarters " , normally small , box-like rooms either on the roof or behind the kitchen .
10 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
11 Over one thousand of the three and half thousand Old Somervillians have given or are giving to the Appeal .
12 Section l(c) of the Nullity of Marriage Act should , therefore , either be repealed or be given the wide , radical , but unintended , interpretation outlined above .
13 ‘ Mr Average ’ will either buy Israeli Koi , or save up for or be given the occasional better Japanese fish .
14 At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance , or be given a flight over the target beach .
15 But it 's still useful to discover short-cuts or be given practical tips .
16 This stock could be thinly spread over the entire population , or be given over in its entirety to a number of friendly societies ( a new role for the friendly societies is proposed below ) .
17 The indexer can either be constrained as to the number of themes to index per document , or be given the option of indexing as many themes as possible .
18 So far as cancellation and termination are concerned , in most conventional types of contracts , the seller would wish to perform , or be given the opportunity to perform the contract .
19 Some assumed , or were given , names other than their own : Jacques d'Espailly was known as Forte-Epice ; La Hire had a cannon named after him , as did Guillaume de Flavy ; while , in the eighteenth century , La Hire was to become the named knave of hearts on French playing cards .
20 Or were given permission to go in .
21 During the elimination period the patients consumed a tolerated formula ( soy or protein hydrolysate ) or were given calcium supplementation .
22 In fact , you probably needed some barrels , and I 'm sure or were given away .
23 So , for example , we see the pupils messing around , ‘ to get back at the teachers for telling them off and putting them in detention , ’ or using physical violence after being unjustly accused of a misdemeanour , or being given a ‘ soft ’ teacher .
24 Instead , the returning member of staff is put through various re-initiation rituals ( 'Enjoyed your holiday ? ' ) , or is given responsibilities bearing no relation to interests developed on the course .
25 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
26 The victim-to-be purchases , or is given , the W.N.B. and places it unsuspectingly in the top pocket of his or her jacket , with the humorous head protruding .
27 There are forty varieties he has bought or was given .
28 ‘ Because Tanith was premature and only weighed 5lb 4oz , none of the clothes I 'd bought her , or was given , fitted .
29 Allopathy means ‘ different from the suffering ’ ; the drugs that are given work against the disease and its symptoms .
30 The answer seems to lie with the special signals that are given in feline ‘ language ’ by certain specific sounds .
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