Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] give " in BNC.

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1 Make a list of any activities which make you buzz with energy , which absorb you so much that time dissolves , or which give you a sense of inner peace and satisfaction .
2 To complicate the picture even further , there are a number of other devices which , although not strictly security interests in the sense of vesting some type of proprietary interest in the creditor or which give him possessory control over assets of the debtor company , nevertheless act as security .
3 ‘ Look , if you do n't want to tell me who you are , or what gave you the horrors , then do n't .
4 The irony is that what gave me and other lesbians the
5 Inoculations , crossbreeding of animals and the use of hormones are producing better livestock , which resist diseases , which fatten faster , and which give more milk , wool or eggs .
6 Feminist methods frequently situate themselves socially and historically in ways which distinguish the concept of the subject they work with from the one which underpins qualitative psychological methods , and which give these methods a different significance .
7 It has provisions which establish a Consumer Protection Advisory Committee and which give to it , to the Director and to the Secretary of State , certain functions in relation to consumer affairs .
8 This recalled the nuncupatio , the oral recital which in principle still lay behind every written will , and which gave validity to the dispositions recorded .
9 WITH the eradication of smallpox by WHO 's successful vaccination campaign , it may have seemed that vaccinia , the cowpox virus that is the basis for the vaccine and which gave vaccination its name , might at last be ready to bow out from its central role in world medicine .
10 the right of privacy did not extend so far as to confer a protected right on consenting adults to pursue their own choice in the matter of watching obscene and pornographic motion pictures within a theatre … [ even one ] not open to minors and which gave patrons due notice of the kind of entertainment provided .
11 Instead of a telling-off , with time to put things right , TDC found itself under a much more strict court order with which it could not negotiate and which gave it little flexibility .
12 However , it was precisely the lack of consensus about Thebes ' — or anybody else 's — leadership which in the fifth century led to federalism of so unusual and developed a kind , and which gave Boiotia the cohesion , and the manpower , to defeat Sparta at Leuktra in 371 .
13 Rhyme , measure , and the turning of verses , which is indispensable and which gives them so much vigour , are analogous to the hidden symmetry , to the equilibrium at once wise and inspired , which governs the meeting or separation of lines and spaces , the echoes of color , etc. ’ poetic painting was Delacroix 's preference , but ‘ David 's picture of Leonidas at Thermopolae is masculine and vigorous prose , I admit ’ .
14 And it is just that : a point of view , a vision , put forward through a fine prose style , that gives the work of Frazer a position above that of other scholars of equal erudition and perhaps greater ingenuity , and which gives him an inevitable and growing influence over the contemporary mind .
15 The habit of mind which opposes family and state , and which gives the family a special position in the organization of a polity , is not solely Libyan : strongly étatique societies have often tried to abolish or limit the institution of the family ; and the attempts by government to regulate family life by intervening to increase or to decrease births , by altering rules of inheritance , by inhibiting or encouraging kinship corporations , are so familiar that they are taken to be natural functions of the state .
16 This is part of the life that we have created , and which gives us pleasure , support and autonomy .
17 It is the use of this ‘ apparatus ’ which enables people to express themselves in speech and which gives speech its quality and pattern .
18 Last : a solid form of wood , plastic or metal on which a boot or shoe is built , and which gives its shape to the boot or shoe .
19 Our performance is reported every year in The Post Office 's Report and Accounts , which you can obtain from HMSO , and which gives detailed statistics .
20 What I hope to have shown , which is consistent with a certain tentativeness about what has been said , and with incompleteness , is that we do have a grasp of both dependent and independent conditionals , which grasp can be clarified and which gives to us an explicit understanding of the seven causal connections that were set out .
21 The first rests upon section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 which I have already cited , and which gives an extended meaning to the concept of membership for the purposes of the Act of 1986 .
22 We are taking forward three major initiatives : the making a corporate commitment campaign , which is designed to secure board level commitment to energy efficiency ; best practice , which is the Department 's main programme of energy efficiency information transfer ; and the energy management assistance scheme , which I have mentioned and which gives grant aid to the energy efficiency projects of smaller businesses .
23 This is called " sensitive dependence on initial conditions " , a phenomenon which persists even when the strange invariant set becomes attracting ( see below ) and which gives the typical " chaotic " , " turbulent " or " pseudo-random " behaviour which we associate with a " strange attractor " .
24 The events have , to conclude , all the trappings of a liturgical ceremony rather than a military exercise , and that is almost certainly what lies behind the story , and what gave it its origins .
25 ‘ Do tell me , and what gives a destitute Englishman away in a foreign land ?
26 It 's important to take time to get to know how we feel about sex , and what gives us pleasure .
27 What he relied on , I think , and what he always came back to was that ‘ natural ’ self which he did not understand nor at this stage want to understand , but which gave him his power .
28 Apart from the victory at Halidon Hill , which in retrospect was of great military significance but which gave Edward only a temporary and illusory supremacy , the war did little to enhance Edward III 's military reputation .
29 Toughened glass is glass which has been heat treated to make it four to five times stronger than normal glass , but which gives it the characteristic that , should it break , it does so in harmless tiny fragments rather than the dangerous slivers associated with normal glass .
30 But what gives us the sequence ?
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