Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 & presented with a baby sister & & me with a second grand-daughter on 11 th Sept. … … 8lbs. 13ozs .
2 ‘ I do n't want them to get bored with me or me with them .
3 Nor should it be assumed that the division of the language items into lexis , structure and discourse function presents students with problems of equal difficulty or me with identical roles in each case .
4 His warning should put the importance of conviction in faith beyond all question : ‘ Bear in mind , then , that when you face death or persecution , I can not be with you , or you with me .
5 Is that you alone , or you with other members of your family ?
6 The Germans and the English have plenty in common with each other , but what have you in common with the Russians or we with the Japanese ? ’
7 For that reason , it is worth thinking about what is interesting about you from a journalist 's point of view before trying to woo him or her with your beautiful noise .
8 Be positive : praise your mate 's good qualities , treat him or her with respect .
9 The earlier cases do not make any reference to the possibility of arresting someone for the sole purpose of questioning him or her with a view to obtaining a confession .
10 I was sent hither and thither on messages , and sometimes went in the car with a billeting officer to help him or her with young children who were being placed in homes .
11 ‘ When a new assistant joins us , we put him or her with my deputy , Wendy , or with Joan , who 's a senior care assistant , so that they can follow them , be with them , be shown things at floor level .
12 You may lose some credibility with the clientele if you demolish him or her with a blitzkrieg attack only to find later that they had been looking for the nearest toilet !
13 If your legs are being held , use your hands ; if the person has grabbed your wrists , bash him or her with your head , knees and feet ; and so on .
14 Deconstruction marginalises the author , or seeks to do away with the author altogether , replacing him or her with what Foucault called the ‘ author-fiction ’ , that is , a culturally and historically determined role over which the individual writer has no control .
15 Validation of the suffering individual , treating him or her with kindness , professional respect and dignity , being open and honest , separating the awareness of the disease from the understanding of the suffering human being , following the distorted reasoning and disturbed actions and accepting that they appeared to the sufferer to be most appropriate at the time they were committed .
16 It not only involves the user more demonstrably in the process and provides him or her with a visible record of the interview , but also begins to construct a historical picture of the older person .
17 It replaced the Board of Education with a Ministry of Education , and gave the Minister at the head of this a creative rather than a merely controlling function , charging him or her with promoting education in England and Wales .
18 Apart from an explanation of the reason for the survey , how he or she came to be selected , a guarantee of anonymity , etc. , each question must maintain the respondent 's cooperation by treating him or her with courtesy and gratitude — a few ‘ pleases ’ and a ‘ thank you ’ are essential .
19 Either a spark had come down from the old fellow 's hole up there or him with hobnail boots had trod on er black powder and set it off and his hole went out underneath his feet .
20 See that fucking knife Mark , I ought to stab you or him with it , I am sick to death of yous .
21 But Carteret 's wife , who frequented health spas , could not endure to live with him or he with her : there were no children .
22 There were a lot of people older than me with more experience of life .
23 They were much taller than me with long brown arms covered with green leaves .
24 Remember that silly thing we did at school once me with Charlotte and Suzanne and somebody else , do you remember ?
25 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
26 He made no attempt to flirt with her nor she with him .
27 Now , you could be one of the people that drink harmed quicker than maybe , say or maybe I 'm ta injured quicker than you with drink .
28 We 've also er recently been talking to erm a lecturer of the University who is doing a project , a research project , and would like to er offer his services to us in in that er in that project , so we at the early stages but nonetheless I think it is er very important that we do er test the market place and find out what both think of us , so that we with a prime and only objective of improving a service
29 We have known for a number of years that we with every other council in the land , are facing the government that does not believe in local government .
30 A bit of romanticism his mistress might have abhorred , Ruth suspected , as she had hardly enamoured herself with the locals , nor they with her .
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