Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 This may not be the case in a small house fellowship , or of a small church in a face-to-face village community where everyone knows everybody else .
2 But Gentlemen for your deliberations to be useful they must be free — your opinions must not be shackled by authorities ; & I know that were I present your candor and delicacy towards me would be such , as to prevent that freedom of discussion and investigation , which is absolutely necessary to obtain a knowledge of facts .
3 To-day , I was a guest at 's First ( of many hopefully ) Nativity Plays … she was a musician … for 3½ yr-olds , they were all very good … & disciplined … which as you & I know is HARD WORK !
4 My knowledge of the fauna is patchy because most of the trapping methods capture only flying insects , and because I have concentrated on groups that I , or someone known to me , can identify .
5 Presumably it 's also a lot to do with isolation , a lot to do with the fact that there was no one to talk to about the sexual experiences you were having and the only surrounding attitude was one of , ‘ This is something which should n't happen ’ , whereas the situation when I had my first sexual experience was one where I knew other people who were gay whom I could talk to .
6 " Two weeks later I was ready to go to a place I did n't know , and where I knew no one .
7 He likes these contacts with the more substantial world and happily hurries off in the direction of his stationery shop and fax bureau , where I know he will encounter many difficulties .
8 So , but where I know it is a bit difficult with clothes because a market stall erm you do n't , you do n't normally get a chance to try the clothes on erm and you 're never absolutely sure are these clothes , is this garment going to fit or not ?
9 ‘ Eventually we got to Lagrimone , a little place between Langhirano and Monchio on the way to the passo di Lagastrello , where I know a family .
10 My son fishes at the fish farm where I know there is a responsible adult who he can ask for help if needed .
11 My son fishes quite often at the fish farm where I know there is a responsible adult who he can ask for help if needed .
12 Aggie made no reply to this , and the child remained quiet until it was evident that she recognized the entrance to the area , for she exclaimed , ‘ Oh ! now I know where we are . ’
13 That 's that 's it until I know or I know what I 'm actually looking for in it I can run around chasing me tail all day which
14 I do n't really know where I , or I know where I 'm going but I have to take the troops with me I had er , I got you see what is parts of a I A P compact certificate it might in fact , if the boss would let me do , if I could do an industry in December right ?
15 Or I know you 've recently received some information , that 's good .
16 We , we always , we were lucky we ha knew a man named he lived on and he was a butcher in his rights , his own rights you know , just like and , and but er , me dad 's brother or somebody knew him and , and he used to come and do it for us like , you know .
17 Well , I had moments of despair when I intended to shoot myself , but in the end I decided to bring the mad woman back to Thornfield Hall , where nobody knew that we were married .
18 Then I divvy up the crap into the rightful pedal bins and trolley them around the building , where nobody knows me .
19 Then ran and slipped and ran again , past the church , between the dignified houses on the new Bristol Bridge , dodging the tollkeepers who marvelled at her speed , and over to the Welsh Back where horse-drawn sleds wove between towers of kegs , hanks of rope , sprawling sacks and the beached masts of ships , and where she knew she could shrink unnoticed into a warren of warehouses , entries and cellars .
20 She would take Josh and Kathy , go to cosy , comfortable London , where she knew so many people , and there she would sort out her life .
21 For he 'd known she would n't go , that he was perfectly safe , that she was not the type to impose herself where she knew she was n't wanted .
22 The sign on his door said Engaged , and she smiled as she crept up to the next landing , where she knew the keyhole window that overlooked his study .
23 This task orientation is not unlike the ‘ foreshadowing ’ mental set of the ideas game , not perhaps in the example of exercise quoted above , but in those kinds of exercises where you know the outcome before you start .
24 Where you know from eh ? ’ she flashed at him , ‘ Here , gim me that glass .
25 So , shop where you know there is high turnover of produce .
26 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
27 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
28 Where you know , the readout on the lathes etcetera er were easily seen and er easily operated .
29 Well that 's something we would obviously have to sort of , I mean maybe it 's something where you know I mean with the
30 an in and ecta er , an industry day done where you know , it 's about the qualities needed in the young person , they have a certificate that they 're going to have to say they 've got these qualities , right ?
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