Example sentences of "[pron] who could " in BNC.

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1 Now it was I who could n't move ; more than that I was n't even able to form an idea of what it would be like to move .
2 Another senior personnel manager said : ‘ It would not be a moral judgment , but we have to consider the practicalities of appointing someone who could be off work for long periods . ’
3 How could Ma look like that at someone who could n't even speak English ?
4 Foolish in that it gave a great deal away to the other woman , and she could tell the woman looked at her as someone who could be aggressive and perhaps a bit vulgar , someone who said things which ought never even to have been thought .
5 In a statement read to the court , Shooter described his crime as ‘ a cry for help from someone who could no longer handle the pressures of life ’ .
6 In the darkness I felt in the hands of God , someone who could do anything He liked with me , even though that someone was more likely to be Mr Slieman , the manager , who with his pencil moustache looked more like a used car salesman and was constantly trying to show Louise , the cashier and kiosk girl , his collection of prophylactics .
7 It was strange not being able to communicate but someone who could speak English was always on hand to translate and often all I needed were those wonderful smiles and greetings from people .
8 Novello , who had initially developed The Rat for Brunel , was to join with Cutts ' assistant , Alfred Hitchcock , in demonstrating that adapted stageplays did n't need to constrict cinematic invention as long as script and direction were entrusted to someone who could convey ideas in visual terms .
9 We were always looking for someone who could give us help .
10 POLICE were reconstructing yesterday the movements of the couple murdered in a ‘ lovers ’ lane ’ in Epping Forest , Essex , in the hope of jogging the memory of someone who could help find the killer .
11 All she had to do was push that door and she might find a friend , someone who could understand .
12 But what Jan was also looking for was someone who could spark off the right romantic chemistry with Jason Donovan .
13 I listened with fascination to this insider viewpoint , and the moody Miss Brickell suddenly became a real person , not a pathetic collection of dry bones , but a mixed-up pulsating young woman full of strong urges and stronger guilts who 'd piled on too much pressure , loaded her need of penitence and her heavy desires and perhaps finally her pregnancy onto someone who could n't bear it all , and who 'd seen a violent way to escape her .
14 It had to be someone who could follow instructions to make an effective bow and sharp arrows , who had time to lie in wait , who wanted me gone , who had a universe to lose .
15 Someone who could n't forget that it was nearly , but not quite , that height , was one Malcolm Ferguson who in 1878 became so incensed by Ben Lawers being declared officially under the 4,000-foot mark by means of new surveying techniques , he decided to do something about it .
16 Instead , he told him he must live his life his own way , and advised John , when he spoke of having fallen in love with a ‘ straight ’ boy at school , to try to save his love for someone who could return it .
17 Incidentally , mooning is n't one of my habits but for another canoeist to refer to the ‘ dork2 who owns a red Escort van is a rather nebulous description of someone who could fall into that category simply because he owns a red van and whose hobby happens to be canoeing — it makes one feel guilty without trial .
18 If the wife is unable to take a nap in the afternoon when the children are napping , then possibly there is someone who could look after them for a few hours at least one day a week for her to regain her strength .
19 His line of chat , and a bonhomie which could at times border on insensitivity , marked him out for her as a survivor ; someone with whom she could risk herself ; someone who could both carry and withstand her .
20 Even if she is not someone who could easily enter into discussions of this nature , in which her feelings are explored , it is possible that she could benefit considerably from advice and comfort delivered to her in a less personal way through the pages of a book .
21 Instead , he gambled on finding someone who could play the last card in the British deck — independence — and then , with nothing further to offer , keep sufficient control of the situation to extricate Britain from India with honour and possibly with glory .
22 We did six tracks with Chris , but we did n't gel with him at all , we needed someone who could offer more inspiration .
23 After the performance , they felt they might have found someone who could fit the part .
24 What has upset Brian is the knowledge that within hours of Joanna disappearing from the leisure centre car park eight days ago , he was being ‘ fingered ’ as someone who could have been responsible for kidnapping her .
25 Amanda Tooth said that hard times made Antonia set her sights on someone who could help her make a name .
26 Looking at her , you got the feeling that this was someone who could bend iron bars and tear telephone directories in half .
27 I just wasted a whole day to see someone who could n't be bothered to turn up .
28 She did not add , He would jump at the chance of someone filling that post , so that he would n't be asked to take the children off Rose 's hands until she is once more fixed up with someone who could manage her unruly crowd , as well as herself and the house .
29 I decided that I needed to get some support , to find someone who could , let us say , take charge of me and give me advice .
30 It must be carried by someone who could not be suspected .
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