Example sentences of "[pron] for which " in BNC.

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1 A creature , therefore , can be taught nothing for which the inner , instinctive potential is not already present as a latent pattern in mind and muscle .
2 The church has nothing for which to apologize .
3 He needed all those things in me for which you had no use , pity , indulgence , even forgiveness .
4 When you have lined up your data in this way a glance will tell you for which sounds you have enough words to make check lists .
5 The obscure Boso , an alumnus of the monastic school at Regensburg , looks like the perfect exemplar of everything for which Alcuin had argued .
6 It was everything for which he could have asked .
7 Let us remember that everything for which we legislate is for worse cases and blanket rules .
8 In apparent contravention of everything for which committed reformers had striven , the statutes stated explicitly that all land remained the property of the gentry .
9 The enlightened bureaucrats who were primarily responsible for drawing up the legislation of 1861 may not have achieved everything for which they were striving , but they were undoubtedly trying to achieve more than the modernization of the gentry 's sources of income or the revivification of the state machine .
10 s12 Every partner is liable jointly with his co-partners and also severally for everything for which the firm while he is a partner therein becomes liable under either of the two last preceding sections .
11 This is something for which surveys , including that of Greeley and Rossi , are not and can not be intended .
12 The polished Mr Baker , in defence of Mr Lawson 's interest rates , even brought himself to shout , something for which the conference handbook , in its Suggestions to Speakers on page 46 , says there is no need .
13 But Ann Veronica 's slow awakening , albeit eighty years ago , is not so unfamiliar to us now , when there is a sense that our own desire , our own pleasure , is something for which we have to struggle .
14 She must have done something for which she was now being made to pay .
15 He hopes to bully Mr Kinnock — Mr Major 's refusal to contemplate such a deal is absolute — into establishing PR for ever , something for which only a fifth of the electorate will have voted .
16 This led to a vast number of prosecutions , usually in the magistrates ' court , because the authorities were quite careful about alleging that less damage had occurred than would give the protesters the option of having a jury trial , something for which most of them would have very happily volunteered .
17 However , it is something for which one develops an instinct , or feel , over the years .
18 This is something for which teachers need preparation .
19 We then start to use our voluntary muscles for support — something for which they were not designed .
20 ‘ It 's a sad time for me , but this is something for which I 've been trying to prepare myself for some time , ’ he said .
21 Yet the phenomenon is familiar to us all , particularly when we discover we are responsible for something for which we had blamed others .
22 What we are fighting for is something for which Jesus himself took time out to pray for on the night he was betrayed : the unity of believers .
23 This intimacy also is something for which the world still waits .
24 Instead , the effect is to prettify the whole thing , something for which designer William Dudley needs no second invitation .
25 ‘ That is surely something for which to be thankful . ’
26 Stones in the bladder were a very common ailment in middle life , and something for which my first aid training had given me no preparation .
27 The wealth of letters and contents therein is something for which I am ever grateful .
28 Also , they were perhaps inclined to adopt the world view of their respondents at the expense of other perspectives ( such as those of young women for example ) — something for which ethnographers are often criticised .
29 He looks surprised when I ask if it is difficult to put so much energy into something for which you do n't get paid : ‘ It makes absolutely no difference at all .
30 The ordination of women was something for which I was supposed to argue .
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