Example sentences of "[pron] be are " in BNC.

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1 Well none of them are are they ?
2 And some of them are are a bit short .
3 Well most of them are are n't they ?
4 Well some of them are are n't they ?
5 I think Chris and I are are in agreement e about the technical issues here .
6 I am are .
7 I am are n't I ?
8 I 'm are n't I ?
9 Imagine that we regress the actual price index on its own past values : where the , β i 's are the coefficients to be estimated and is a zero mean , constant variance , random error .
10 That is , we can estimate the following equation : where the γ i 's are the coefficients to be estimated and is a zero mean , constant variance , random error .
11 In eighteen , in in late eighteen twelve erm with the prospect perhaps of Napoleonic rule in difficulties you see in some of Napoleon 's , some of the client states of Napoleonic Europe Spain , Naples you see constitutions being granted which are are pretty democratic actually .
12 I certainly I I think the percentages there are er er are accurate er taken from the the diagrams , but I would n't accept the er the follow on , the conclusions which are are drawn in that paragraph , clearly .
13 is , is , in London and we deal with the British Section which is are the particular bits , but the prisoners have to be vatted and looked at and found by the International Secretaires , then they 're passed on to British Section who pass them on to us and a great deal of research goes into making sure that they really are truly prisoners of conscience , that they 've been in prison for some er possibly because of their belief or religion or their race erm and they 've not taken or advocated violence not taken part in or advocated violence and then , then they are full prisoners of conscience erm we maybe allocated them .
14 ‘ The only people who are are the politicians whose job it is to sort this crisis out . ’
15 Vegetarians there are people who are are n't they ?
16 So it 's for a marketing company who are are helping .
17 Gerstner told the IBM Corp meeting in Tampa , Florida that he does not intend to ‘ lay out a grand scheme ’ for the company : ‘ There has been a lot of speculation , ’ Reuter reports him saying , ‘ that I am going to unveil some great plan , ’ Gerstner said ; ‘ You will see actions , and our actions will speak for themselves , ’ but added that some actions will not emerge until 1994 ; he described it as not entirely accurate to describe IBM 's strategy as ‘ splitting it up into a bunch of little pieces , ’ and added that the dividend may change based on IBM 's performance and outlook ; ‘ We ca n't expect quick fixes , ’ Gerstner told more than 3,000 shareholders at the meeting , ‘ But I do dare to ask your patience , ’ he said ; his top priority is to get IBM 's layoffs completed and ‘ rightsize ’ the company — ‘ I want to get it behind us so we can say to those remaining , ‘ You are are our team , ’ ’ he said ; he acknowledged several times that IBM 's bureaucracy had hampered the company , and elsewhere it was reported that he has ordered managers to dispense with the customary slides and flip charts when they address him — ‘ IBM has changed but some would say not fast enough , ’ but ‘ We can bring IBM back , ’ Gerstner said .
18 It 's not like a ministry test or anything like that as some of you are are well aware .
19 A B You are are you ?
20 You are are n't you ?
21 You are Are you thinking of Mrs Theresa Gorman there ?
22 You are are n't you ?
23 You are are , in the are you need an E , and E ends are , are is that a proper
24 A levels only happen when the most , a month , more from school and then they have study leave as you are , now erm when you consider the , the year since September has gone very , very quickly , those who have done very little work in that first year , year twelve , will find that been packed in there and that first year in the sixth is just like your year ten ought to have been , perhaps , one or two of you are are realizing
25 Oh well you are are n't you ?
26 You are are n't you ?
27 so I 'm just looking for er a T-shirt or something for Lisa no you ca n't have the pen it 's too sharp yeah , you 're crafty you are are n't you , you can get zips open now mm
28 up in that where you are are n't they ?
29 Yeah you are are n't you ?
30 You are are n't you ?
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