Example sentences of "[pron] [is] whether " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , medical advisers tend to be pragmatic and able to address the key consideration in developing health service research , which is whether or not organisational factors pose immutable barriers to implementing the research findings .
2 There also arises a more general question , which is whether it is open to this court to exercise the statutory discretion conferred by section 13(3) of the Administration of Justice Act 1960 , or R.S.C. , Ord. 59 , r. 10(3) , so as to perfect an invalid order of committal and thereby to continue the imprisonment of a contemnor currently in prison under an invalid order .
3 What I 'm trying to understand you 'll appreciate Mr , is the difference between the test that you are putting forward , er which is whether or not it is part of a built-up area , and the test that Mr is putting forward , whether or not the land is part of the village .
4 First , it will have a preliminary question to decide which is whether the question it is asked to answer is a question it is empowered to answer .
5 And he said it was difficult for the jury to isolate the narrow questions that they were going to have to decide , which is whether these officers had er fabricated notes of an interview with one of the Birmingham Six , from all the information that they had .
6 whether somebody is whether complained
7 W well the only issue for you is whether or not you can , you 're in good enough control there to be able to say can you we need to be within the four to six banding , okay ?
8 The only realistic question that poses itself is whether Britain can help to determine the how and the when of reunification .
9 One is whether Communists continue to see the president as their leader , or start to feel he has abandoned them .
10 One is whether binary oppositions exist in language to be discovered , or whether they are constructed as a convenient method of analysing language .
11 One is whether a form is morphologically basic , or whether it needs extra material added by way of an additional rule .
12 It 's whether they are illegal immigrants .
13 Indeed , in motorsport it 's not the colour of your clothes that matters , it 's whether they are fireproof , and the regulations stipulate that everything has to comply to the relevant safety standards .
14 So it 's whether they take furniture ?
15 It 's whether we 've
16 It 's whether the opportunity arises .
17 It 's it 's not the boundary that is important to look at , it 's whether the land is open land , is n't it ?
18 It 's whether the land fulfils a greenbelt function .
19 Erm in my experience it 's quite normal for erm a period after the close of the enquiry to be erm given to erm the planning authority or authorities to on other matters which are outstanding at the close of the enquiry , whether it 's two weeks , whether it 's whether it 's very very common , it 's it 's reasonable that the authority should have that opportunity to .
20 ‘ It 's not the money — it 's whether you want to do it .
21 And I 'd say well if there are two parents there whether it 's whether they 're married or whether they 're not , the parents are there together , it was shared equally .
22 BOB ; Well it 's not so much what you can do with it , it 's whether you can afford it !
23 Er , it is n't just Alton Towers , it 's whether you should get discounts on Penguin Books it was whether you got , er , bottles of Chateau le Tour erm it , it requests for many different things and , er , you know , alright er , it we could , we could , if Alton Towers seemed to be what , er , all shareholders wanted er , perhaps we , we could consider that but , but , but we do have a number of a attractive products .
24 But it 's whether , whether the officers do that and start the consultation or whether it 's done by P A G , I 'm getting a shaking of the head here , I think it needs a political decision as opposed to anything else .
25 Well it does really , I mean if we , it 's a question of whether the budget will stand the staff , is n't it , it 's not whether we , er I mean in terms of of redundancies it 's whether we cou , if we appointed people we could afford to keep them on , whether or not there was work , I mean we could have create work in some senses .
26 It 's whether they will be withdrawn or not .
27 It 's whether you feel
28 It 's whether , you know , what we 've got to look at really is what , what , basis we can use that fifteen thou for .
29 I mean we 'll move any day , but it 's whether Miss will you see
30 But it 's whether you 've got the right way is n't it ?
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