Example sentences of "[adv] with [be] " in BNC.

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1 Quite a lot of the young people that were coping erm better with being unemployed were involved in things like erm playing in rock groups , or being involved in erm theatre groups and things like that .
2 But faced suddenly with being alone through bereavement or divorce , or gradually through the natural lessening of family ties and dependency , we may find ourselves feeling very differently , remembering with nostalgia the days when we were so busy , needed and surrounded by others .
3 I was assured by the SIB that there would be a court martial and XYZ would be charged with rape but that did not happen , he was charged only with being in the married quarter area , fined 14 days wages and demoted in rank to Trooper .
4 Perhaps with being wanted a lot .
5 The reaction to George Carey 's speech suggests that many of today 's wealthy in Britain are not content merely with being wealthy .
6 gave a lecture and all she came in with was some notes written out on some full scape paper and some papers for the over head projector
7 One is that along with being spoilt and all those nice things , it also makes you a target for being used and taken advantage of .
8 Along with being very impressive physical specimens .
9 One of the easiest to get along with was Rosie Michelle , a small cheerful Cockney girl who was definitely in awe of no-one .
10 Pearce lists these as two important qualities for a top manager together with being able to look at a problem and see the two or three key factors .
11 I mean the things he 's coming away with are n't real .
12 ‘ People seem to think we are getting rid of all the books but the only ones we have done away with are those which had been hidden away unused for many years . ’
13 Labour would be acquiescing in a ‘ democratic outrage ’ if it continued arguing that , because the Conservatives had got away with being undemocratic for so long , it was now Labour 's turn .
14 When people go out for the night they like to come away with being entertained .
15 He got away with being what many others could only secretly aspire to be .
16 Good luck to her , she knows she can get away with being sexy and saucy .
17 This and other scientific statements are so convincing ( and get away with being called ‘ laws ’ ) because they appear to determine what will happen in the future .
18 Do n't let them get away with being patronising , because that 's probably the attitude they 'll take up . ’
19 What I did get away with was arguably worse than murder , and revealed for the first time something of what I was letting myself in for by getting involved with Karen Parsons .
20 IF you are depressed or anxious , having relationship difficulties or worried about work , finding a qualified counsellor to talk things over with is n't always easy — especially if you ca n't afford fees of between £15 and £30 an hour , or do n't feel able to wait the weeks or even months it can take to get an appointment .
21 Erm what I 'd like to er start off with is to emphasize why you 're here and erm the fact that I 'm not going to patronize you as a driver .
22 What I think we 'll do to start off with is to just put you on one inhaler and see how well you respond and if you only need it ev every now and again we do n't need to do anything else .
23 What we need to do to start off with is to look at your chest in greater detail , get a chest X-ray .
24 No actually the one I started off with is Greg .
25 Well ’ — she leant slightly forward — ‘ the fellow that Rosie went off with was your dear Andrew , the loving father .
26 Erm , we started off with was that , erm , we would just write down any word that came up to our head , in terms of relating it to the story i.e. we thought about memories , and memories Erm , this is gon na match up with your is n't it .
27 I am so pissed off with being told how men own and control the world .
28 ‘ The thing is , ’ Luke said , encouraged , ‘ I do n't want to give Mum a lot of grief about it , but you do get hacked off with being patient , a bit . ’
29 Mannerism had appeared in the madrigal at least twenty years earlier , with Rore ( see p. 233 ) , and still more with Wert who , like Luzzaschi , had studied with Rore .
30 I could n't agree more with Are we breeding the Lolita generation ?
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