Example sentences of "[adv] rather [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Humour is very subtle in ‘ Great Expectations ’ as more often than not Dickens will just use parts of the language wittily rather than the obvious physical humour surrounding Pumblechook .
2 Such organizations look inward rather than outward .
3 If you decide to design your own lace pattern , do remember that you must transfer to both left and right rather than in just one direction or you may finish up with a definite bias in your knitting .
4 Well I I prefer to be employed right rather than
5 Secondary school classes have also grown , with more pupils staying on rather than face the dole queue .
6 It is an achievement to be built on rather than despised or disregarded .
7 She 'd a hundred times rather change last night 's husband on a daily basis , be reviled as a witch in the parliament of women , she 'd like to have dead babies in succession — she winced at this , ‘ Please , no ’ — but pressed on rather than be that nothing , that unbeing , that sump of ribaldry and pity and contempt , the woman-who-had-never-had-a man , the zitella , the old maid .
8 Creating a climate of trust and reliability within staff groups and between staff and senior staff , where management can be experienced as a kind of co-operative bank to draw on rather than a persecutor to defend against , will be a central task .
9 Some key caps have the letters printed on rather than moulded into the plastic .
10 Now multiply that by two then er , zero on rather than the two .
11 On the eighteenth of June attended this meeting erm perhaps this on rather than you jotting down
12 And the windows we shall put in here are the type of windows called a fenestral which are made of linen and I 'll show you one of those later on rather than explain it now .
13 Investment has turned positive overall at the U K level and the regions which are leading investment expectations and this is people 's expectations about what they 're going to do in terms of investment in plant and machinery over the year ahead which I think is probably the meaningful one to focus on rather than buildings numbers erm the two regions which are leading that are the south west erm and that makes sense because the south west is , has the lowest number of firms who say that they 're working below capacity and also the West Midlands , for the last five surveys the West Midlands has either been the most optimistic
14 If you balance , tape recordering , but , but you notice one particular piece that you would rather do an essay on rather than that bit there .
15 Yes , that 's right , I 'd like to raise a separate point on that later on rather than the accuracy ones for this , do the accuracy ones first .
16 When the teacher inhibits the child from pointing and pretends not to be able to see the picture , the child understands that the communicative situation has changed , that she can no longer rely on the shared visual context and she makes her reference explicit ( the teddy ) , locates him verbally rather than by pointing to him ( on the chair ) and makes explicit how the second picture differs from the first ( there ai n't no teddy ) .
17 This suggests that this short-term store is auditorily rather than visually based even when the task is visual-motor .
18 Second , administration is accompanied by a form of inquisitorial justice in which judicial institutions act assertively rather than passively , inquisitorially rather than adversarially .
19 Steve Bloomer of Derby or Billy Meredith at Manchester were famous locally rather than nationally .
20 This will mean that funding will go where it is most needed locally rather than according to a set of priorities determined in Whitehall .
21 As to their method of achieving their object , short of World War III beginning , I think they will adopt the well tried tactics of preparing the country from within rather than resort to open aggression , although ‘ frontier incidents ’ will doubtless continue .
22 It is indeed the case that both of these " new branches " professed an orthodox Arminian theology and regarded themselves as movements within rather than against the Church of England .
23 Francis added : ‘ I 'm all in favour of lots of goals , but I like to see them created properly rather than artificially .
24 Such anger and defensiveness is commonplace and understandable because our society is accustomed to the stereotype pictures of alcoholism and drug or other addictions as disorders of weak-willed and immoral people who need to be taught firm lessons on how to behave themselves properly rather than as ill people who need to be helped to become well .
25 After considerable discussion Mr Jones accepted the possibility that Olwyn perhaps did need love and attention but that it was just as likely she needed it because she behaved badly rather than the other way round .
26 Second , administration is accompanied by a form of inquisitorial justice in which judicial institutions act assertively rather than passively , inquisitorially rather than adversarially .
27 Similarly , the halt and lame , vividly portrayed in Les invalides in book 2 of the same collection ( 1716–17 ) , are surely destined to proceed slowly rather than at the ‘ fast triple time ’ suggested by Geoffrey Chew in the article ‘ Notation ’ ( 111 , 4 ) in New Grove , where the opening bars of this piece are reproduced in facsimile ( xiii , p.376 ) .
28 Even so , she was glad when he stood well back as she did a spell at the tiller , correcting her attempts vocally rather than physically .
29 And here we find that the term is widely rather than narrowly defined to include an offence which carries a sentence of three years or more on first conviction ; or involves the use of violence ; or results in substantial financial gain ; or involves conduct by a large number of people in pursuit of a common purpose .
30 But because it is beside rather than in the Pyrenees , the Basque Coast has a gentler climate than you might expect , with an average temperature over the whole year of nearly 14° Centigrade — almost as good as you will find in Portugal .
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