Example sentences of "[pron] will now " in BNC.

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1 With the same 14 mm bait I will now be using a size 4 and possibly a size 2 .
2 If I have been primarily expository hitherto ( and I have been because I believe Callinicos ' book to be the best on this subject that we have ) I will now begin to turn to criticism ; or at least to trying to ventilate that reservation which , faced by Callinicos , certainty , will not be stilled .
3 I will now move in an open jeep instead of a bullet-proof car . ’
4 I will now move in an open jeep instead of a bullet-proof car . ’
5 The cause of it is evident enough : such a call on my brains merely ; and of my brains , only that portion which says one and one made three , says how do you do , says I will now dine .
6 I will now try to summarize what I have said about how an animal finds its way about .
7 Haughtily I will now declare that even if asked I could not endorse anything in which I did not believe .
8 I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town — first — because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature — secondly — whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there — thirdly — the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation , it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study .
9 I will now discuss three of the cases of allegedly fertile she-mules , bearing in mind that no serological or chromosomal analysis was done , they must each be regarded as ‘ anecdotal ’ .
10 I will now write the name of the Maker of Clouds . ’
11 I will now entertain suggestions as to how we can rid ourselves of this horrible dog menace . ’
12 And , although progress in conventional careers may not be regarded as achievable , clearly certain things are , as I will now show .
13 You should speak first , as your daughter 's natural father , and when you have finished , you could then say , ‘ I will now pass you over to Ted , Mary 's stepfather ’ .
14 At the first of these , according to Henry Sherek , he announced to the actors ( among whom were Alec Guinness and Irene Worth ) , " I will now read the play to you to show how I want my lines spoken " : as a poet , he did not want his own " voice " to be lost .
15 I will now ask er Rotarian Alan to propose a vote of thanks .
16 Thank you gentlemen , I will now close the m meeting by asking you to join me in the the erm
17 The April issue is the first I have ever read , but I will now become a regular reader .
18 Various other lines of defence to this action were raised by Mr. Ashworth and I will now consider those in case I am wrong on what I regard as the central issue .
19 I will now turn to consider in a little more detail what I hope may fairly be described as the ‘ post- Kings North Trust Ltd. v. Bell [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 119 agency diversion . ’
20 Sir , if it is your wish , I will now open the case .
21 I could go on for some time sir , but I will now proceed to the technical planning matters .
22 I have a modest interest in pictures and antiques and I will now have more time for the sale rooms .
23 I will now search this house , ’ he barked , ‘ beginning with your daughter 's chamber ! ’
24 The Department of Social Security has also offered arguments with which I will now briefly deal .
25 I will now go to the Supreme Court and , if necessary , I 'll appeal to the people 's court . "
26 Well I will now put the resolution to the meeting those in favour would they raise their hands thank you those against there is nobody so I can declare it carried unanimously .
27 ‘ Speed is of the essence here , Schellenberg , and reminding you of your oath as a member of the SS , I will now tell you why .
28 It 's just one , one of those many piec pieces of evidence you know so that the Freud you know like the great detective you know uses all these little insignificant facts and finally puts them all together and draws everybody together you know in the drawing room and says I will now reveal the murderer , you know Moses was not an Egyptian , sorry Moses was not a Jew he was an Egyptian .
29 Now , erm , what 's wrong with this if you think about it , is that er it 's hard to know what fitness and fittest means and although I 'm now gon na spend about ten minutes talking about it , this will be the last time you 'll hear me mention the word fitness , and I strongly advise you to do the same , for reasons which I will now n now explain .
30 I will now explain everything .
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