Example sentences of "[pron] you could " in BNC.

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1 Years gone by in one town I you could tell from the drainage whether it was a colliery or a pottery .
2 It 's not very nice when you 're driving the vehicle and er I know you 're all experienced drivers and then you get somebody sitting there alongside you starting to look at you do , and I I you could 've been driving all your life but you still feel a bit edgy and a bit tense .
3 God I you could never tell if you 're , you 're going to be there long enough in job , if the , the boss did n't like you then he would just say well you 're , you 're paid off and that 's it , so that 's sort of benefit of keeping your union membership up you could go to anywhere where there was a trade union , a union membership and get a job .
4 well I , getting back to the picture you see , I , when I looked at it I thought good god it 's our Bill , I , I you could of thought it were twin brothers when I
5 I 'm someone you could do wonderful world-changing things with .
6 And I 'll tell you , sooner or later it 's going to occur to someone you could be useful ; useful enough to make it worthwhile taking out that dog .
7 ‘ Now you think of someone you could marry , miss , ’ said Liddy , ‘ then read aloud the words on that page , and if the Bible moves , perhaps you 'll marry him . ’
8 It was more like the noise dogs make sometimes — a see-sawing musical phrase , as if it was talking to someone you could n't see .
9 Yes if erm two girls were in a toilet you were fined and they used to stop the money , oh yes two girls were fined it was a very strict there it was er quite as strict there as it was a H & T Hornes and erm you , you but you could have a drink there , but er at one time before they allowed a drink , a cup of tea , the men used to , someone to watch to see if , when we were working in the top shop cos we could see if anyone came up the , up the shop into , from the bottom shop into top shop then they put a can on erm on something to boil you see and er oh and we got a little sto coal stove to heat the shop , no central heating pipes or anything like that , and they put er someone you could see anyone coming up the , up the steps and er anyway there was someone , one of the bosses coming up so they erm whipped the can off , ran round the back of the bench wh where there were a lot of hand presses going and Mr walked straight he was only mad that off the can of boiling water
10 If you were to tell me that there are people , like the man upstairs to whom you now threaten to turn yourself in , who actually do have a strong sense of themselves , I would have to tell you that they are only impersonating people with a strong sense of themselves — to which you could correctly reply that since there is no way of proving whether I 'm right or not , this is a circular argument from which there is no escape .
11 Time spent puzzling how to avoid these problems is time wasted which you could use for looking around more .
12 Encourage your friend to contact Phobic Action ( see box ) who organise self-help groups which you could attend .
13 Marks & Spencer and Waitrose both have champagnes which you could usefully treat in the same way if you have to cool dark hole to bung them in .
14 You could sign up for a series of courses , which you could take at your own pace .
15 What , however , caused almost universal consternation was my suggestion that we should go a stage further and see whether it was possible to introduce ‘ portable ’ pensions — pensions which you could take from one job to another .
16 The windows were like the windows of the children 's ward where Baby used to be , of white glass which you could n't see through .
17 There was a pause in which you could have heard a pin drop — if you could have heard anything over the machine noise which had so invaded their senses that it had the quality of silence .
18 One Monday morning I lay in bed looking out of my skylight window at nothing in particular ; there was n't anything to see except sky because the window was merely a hole in the roof which you could open or shut with a long wooden handle .
19 Just as we were supposed to accept their stories about how this was the only country in which you could ski in the mountains in the morning and swim in the Mediterranean in the afternoon .
20 To his right was a high sunny window , through which you could see the high green leaves of St James 's Square .
21 Henry wondered where the brake cable was , what it looked like , whether it was the kind of thing to which you could take a saw .
22 Your whole attention must be directed to balancing the need to produce the best result which you could personally produce , and the one which gives the subordinate a chance to learn through practical experience .
23 Setting Up Your Business helps you to identify the opportunities and problems which you could face .
24 If you succeed in finding another job , or already have one lined up at the time that you go , it may not be worth suing your employer because the losses for which you could claim reimbursement may be minimal .
25 But always the world in which you could go into a shop and buy as much bread and potatoes as you liked was remote .
26 Alternatively , some bicycles have an odometer on them which you could use in the same way .
27 The model illustrated has the facility to take a heater and a separate thermostat if required , lights and a pump , with a spare terminal which you could use for a power filter .
28 You might recognize her by her kind and open face , a simplicity which you could easily overlook .
29 So do n't end up writing off a debt which you could have avoided by paying attention to the obvious right under your own nose — use the information that is available to you .
30 If you were ever interested in sociology , psychology or community studies , there are many jobs in which you could use your reasoning abilities .
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