Example sentences of "[adj] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , farmers with an agreed development plan in the LFA receive a ‘ guidance premium ’ , which is not higher than that given outside the LFA in the UK ( though it could be one third higher under the Directive ) .
2 The welfare hand-out that pains critics most is that given to poor , unmarried mothers : Aid to Families with Dependent Children ( AFDC ) .
3 What determined the suppression shown to a test stimulus was whether or not its stage-one treatment matched that given to stimulus A.
4 The term ‘ annunciation ‘ ( announcement ) is that given to the message presented by the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would in due time be delivered of the Son of God , and the festival commemorating this — Lady Day — has the date 25 March .
5 The amount of serum given had to balance with the amount given me by the Pharmacist from the records she kept of that given to Ward Sisters for use on the wards .
6 Because the film includes no genital close-ups or explicit sexual activity , it has played in many parts of the world , occasionally with a classification less restrictive than that given to so-called ‘ hardcore ’ sex films .
7 Under these a relief , similar to that given to prisoners for debt , was afforded on the same terms to traders owing less than £300 and to all other insolvents .
8 Asserting , what was palpably untrue , that ‘ There are probably few people in India who do not sincerely regret that you should have made it impossible for any government to leave you at liberty ’ , he handed down a sentence of six years ' simple imprisonment , pointing out — the crowning touch-that the sentence was the same as that given to the nationalist hero Bal Gangadhar Tilak , twelve years before .
9 It is significant that they were known as Tarianas , a title closely resembling that given to the tribes of Turania in Turkistan who were associated with the Serpent , the Taryans .
10 Witnesses were warned that if they gave false evidence they would suffer the same verdict as that given to the accused ( Mark 14:56–7 ; Matt.
11 The salary should match that given to expatriates in the company 's full-time employ and , in some cases , those working on contract may receive higher rates of pay .
12 The new dietary proved to be an improvement although the youngest children were still wasting a great deal of the milk porridge , and alternation of a diet with tea and bread-and-butter was advised , similar to that given to children over the age of nine .
13 The party 's total vote was just half that given to the Communists in a similar number of boroughs .
14 The psychological care of people receiving interleukin-2 has many similarities with that given to those on chemotherapy .
15 He was also closely involved with George Birkbeck [ q.v. ] and the popular education movement , contending for each child to ‘ have that given to it which nobody can take away ’ .
16 With each equation the average rank given to correct words is better than that given to incorrect words .
17 A telephone call received by the Bogotá newspaper El Tiempo on Sept. 20 allegedly from the Medellín cartel had confirmed the kidnappings and included a demand that the government offer the cartel the same " political treatment " as that given to left-wing guerrillas in past peace agreements [ see below ] .
18 One organisation quoted in the survey did provide disturbance payments for recruits but at a reduced level to that given under its relocation policy .
19 This interpretation appeared to differ from that given on April 6 by James Baker , the United States Secretary of State , after talks with Eduard Shevardnadze , the Soviet Foreign Minister [ see also p. 37393 ] .
20 namely Thucydides ) , but voting techniques were not : there was no counting of votes at all ( something which would have taken several hours when the agenda was as crowded as that given at the beginning of Demosthenes ' fiftieth speech of 362 BC ) , and the ‘ consensus ’ was determined by a show of hands , which tellers then adjudicated , in a fashion no more precise than that of a modern shop-steward who ‘ counts ’ a sea of hands at a trade union mass meeting .
21 If you 've had office copy entries , the date from which to search is that given at the foot of each page , when the office copy entries were issued ; your search will then reveal any entries that may have been made since that date .
22 Even so , the advice is similar in principle to that given for a westward flight .
23 The advice is the same as that given for westward flights — though , of course , whether people living in the new time zone are awake or sleeping will differ .
24 What they definitely do indicate are the extremes of weight problems ; where your weight falls higher than the amount given under the large-frame weight for your height , or lower than that given for the small-frame weight for your height , then you have problems .
25 All subjects then received A-shock pairings followed by a test session assessing the generalization of conditioned suppression to both B and C. Suppression on this test was not profound but , as Fig 5.7 shows , each group showed more suppression to the stimulus that had received stage-one training equivalent to that given for A.
26 The female has a colour pattern which almost fits that given for the Threadfin Goldie .
27 The atomic theory suggests a different picture of the nature of matter , and a different form of explanation from that given by hylemorphism .
28 There is no good reason for it other than that given by Bertrand Russell in that more troubled decade : ‘ The world in which we are now living would have seemed , before 1945 , too horrible to be endured .
29 The evidence was overwhelming , but none so precise and clear as that given by a Mr Bryant and his teenage daughter .
30 The fit is reasonable over most of the area and , as might be expected , is broadly similar to that given by the Shotgun model .
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