Example sentences of "[adj] that in " in BNC.

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1 It was obvious from this that in going into storms we were quite literally playing with fire .
2 We can see from this that in the technical sense most large and many small organisations can be described as bureaucracies .
3 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
4 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
5 Whether we would be correct to conclude from this that in manic-depression mania was produced by a quasi-toxic suppression of the superego I do not know , but if would certainly accord well with Freud 's suggestion that in the manic interludes in depression we witness ‘ a magnificent festival of the ego , which might then once again feel satisfied with itself ’ .
6 It will be apparent from this that in the event of LCH 's liquidation the clearing members would rank not as members but as creditors or debtors .
7 It is clear that in the past many of them have considered loyalty to be a two-way process , a contract or covenant , and that the state could be a traitorous party as well as the people .
8 It is also clear that in some places , Marx at least , seems willing to envisage qualifications which are even more fundamental ; for example , that there might be more than one line of evolution .
9 Luckily , the picture has altered as it has become clear that in agriculturally wealthy areas , where farmers were often owner-occupiers , they lavished great attention on their houses .
10 If one takes everything into account — the shifts in climate which might well remove the United States from its place as the leading ‘ food power ’ and affect the Soviet Union as well , the limited prospects for increased yields , desertification and the steady increase in the global population — it is clear that in the next century large sections of the world 's population will have a very narrow margin between them and starvation .
11 It is clear that in the eyes of Jesus ' contemporaries the cross was a contemptuous symbol .
12 For it is clear that in the traditional view a sexually mature woman should be sexually active .
13 But it is clear that in the case of God both ingredients are required — an act of trust and factual observation .
14 It is clear that in most cases limited sanctions such as disapproval of a particular form of conduct can be most effective .
15 ‘ But it is quite clear that in order to generate the development side of the research , new funds would need to be made available , ’ he says .
16 Some 40 per cent of women with gonorrhoea are found to harbour the bug in the rectum and it is clear that in only a minority of cases has the gonococcus been ‘ placed ’ there .
17 We made it clear that in our views , the Western capitalist countries and their allies are not so much concerned over the ‘ liberation of Kuwait ’ as they are over maintaining their monopoly over the oil and money of the Arab Gulf countries .
18 Ignoring the very recent breeds , it is clear that in earlier days , when cat-showing was just beginning , the major pedigree lines nearly all stemmed from the Near or Far East , with the West lagging far behind .
19 First of all , the case made it clear that in some circumstances statements of protest alone , however well argued and legitimate , were not sufficient to stop library censorship , particularly if it was widespread and co-ordinated .
20 Such criticism was premature , as it is now clear that in many parts of the world long dead-straight trackways were laid out and , in several cases , are still used .
21 It is clear that in the period between the tenth century and the thirteenth all the categories were tending to grow .
22 It was clear that in spite of the NSDAP 's grip on the local population and the conciliatory attitudes of British and French politicians , he would be unable to bargain Danzig back into the Reich .
23 Repeatedly the theme of making the work place like a family was touched upon , and while higher management were not referred to as ‘ parents ’ it was clear that in feeling they were so regarded .
24 Condition 4 makes it clear that in usual circumstances the carrier will not provide additional facilities such as mechanical loading and unloading devices ; these facilities are the customer 's responsibility .
25 Whilst it has been made clear that in this group both men and women assume caring roles , feminists have rightly pointed out that some of the dilemmas and problems are worse for women , not least because social conventions have not ascribed the same significance to employment for women as for men .
26 It is clear that the role need not always be undertaken by a social worker , but it also seems clear that in situations of family complexity , or personal loss of morale , social workers have particular skills to offer .
27 ‘ I am also very glad that following advice in the normal way , you have been able to make it clear that in relation to subsequent allegations , I have acted within the guidance on the conduct of ministers .
28 Generally , children are already selected for their communication ability , but although Hegarty , Pocklington and Lucas are optimistic about the provision they describe , it is clear that in language and interaction there are problems .
29 It is clear that in 1788–92 , then in 1823–33 and , with some uncertainty in various localities , up to 1838 petitioning expanded concern with the slave trade , slavery and apprenticeship .
30 It is clear that in cases where the mistake relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea the outcome will be the same whether one adopts the definitional or the defence doctrine of mistake , that is ‘ the prosecution will wither on the bough .
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