Example sentences of "[verb] been year " in BNC.

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1 Like other sections of the popular movement the health sector has been years in the growing and in establishing work practice and vital organizations .
2 That was less than three and a half hours ago , but it might have been years .
3 Then the young woman laughed merrily , her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence , and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter , and the glass fragments tinkled like broken bells .
4 It had been years since he could supply pupils solely trained by him .
5 There had been years of smoking , drinking , sexual intercourse and dances , helped by there being a fire escape outside her bedroom and the fact her parents were always so exhausted they slept like mummies .
6 But it had been years , even then , since Elvis was top of the Hit Parade , and if all he had to offer the world was slicked-back hair and a sulky pout , the Dead Loss was set to slip a lot further down the charts , and Mary was n't going to be there to see it .
7 As it had been years since I had been anywhere further away from Fontanellato than Parma , I had no hesitation in saying that I would like to go to Bologna .
8 He speculated that perhaps it had been years , and he had simply forgotten .
9 It had been years since she had cried like that , and that she should have done so now in front of Luke surprised her even more .
10 ‘ Now , it had been years since I had seen Bartholomew Burghgesh and I considered him long dead , yet I am sure that man I glimpsed that cold December morning was Sir Bartholomew himself .
11 And I have been years on Bold injections and all the rest of it , and I know from experience you get , you deal with it , it does n't cure the disease but can you see you have a way of dealing with it , of coping with it , of helping yourself er c er do things and therefore you can
12 I pre-recorded it to a click track on Tuesday — very nervously , it 's been years since I sang — and will mime it with a live orchestra tonight .
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