Example sentences of "[prep] the this " in BNC.

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1 Well it 'd be for the this angle if you extended it so it 'd be eight divided by the three sixty is n't it ?
2 Now what you were doing was , you got the top figure of available beds and you this time , I 'm only going for the this paper that is shown to me a an an an and produced some place in in your apartments and it says here , partly vacancies weekend in the first of August .
3 Erm I 'd like to make a point about the this question of an agricultural land quality criterion in the policy .
4 Erm some additional sidings , mills over here , some additional sidings were put in , in the early part of this century , and they came off the this track erm just this side of on the left hand side of the level crossing , erm and went er up to a dead end er just along in the right hand side , er over now towards where factory is .
5 I hope you 've found the meeting this evening positive , I 'm sure you have n't heard perhaps if the people found after the this evening and the guy up there reckons we ought to retire , well I do n't think we will retire but I think we will be responding to the things that you raised this evening I happen to think the Harlow theatre I 'm not sure how you measure success , erm I think we measure it 's success in the fact that people actually do use the building , people do come to see the shows .
6 I was impressed by the specification of the this sack — especially considering the modest price .
7 the evidence that we 've found out already from C H C is that the operation of the N H S reforms has restrictive patient choice because crucially those referrals to London teaching hospitals which used to made as a matter of course if treatment is unable er , unavailable in Harlow have actually been largely stopped , I got the detailed figures from the purchasing director erm er , recently in the C F C minutes and it shows a miniscule number of patients being referred to London teaching hospitals erm , and this is clearly the reason as this points out in this paper that London teaching hospitals are in serious financial problems and four of them , indeed are being threatened with closure by the Tomlinson report and I think many patients in Harlow would much rather as er , people have pointed out , go to er , Middlesex and U C H , should they still exist than to go to Colchester and er , but this is this a key question , so on the the basis of the this consortium does n't meet those criticisms indeed , make the situation worse I move that we oppose it in principle that Vince reports on that line .
8 And the new structure erm moves towards erm team working across the advice centre composes of three teams er and also , takes on the critical self managing team so that erm in terms of the this work and technical support that er , has in the past been offered by a team leader , er , team leader and advice centre manager that will be , in the future will be offered by a senior member of staff erm , for each other and for less experienced staff .
9 The potential instability of the this position was heightened by uncertainty over how the eventual losers would respond to defeat .
10 I could n't read a reference in the Annual Report to a review of the this matter , or an agreement that the Council had actually taken this on board , and it was operating .
11 In 1995 , one in 3 qualified youing people will go to University ; that is the measure of the this Government 's commitment to higher education .
12 It 's part of the this way in which the computer can turn information over and over again for a different need .
13 Well , by an extension of the this standard light bulb method you can get most of the way into the universe .
14 None of the this got written .
15 You know like like the this thing about every soldier having a a a field marshall 's baton in his knapsack .
16 Ooh look there 's quite a lot of tools there there was another one of those out near the this
17 Aye but he was behind the this cos they 're all in the in the same boat you know , they 're all families , family affair is n't it .
18 And that two pound odd was writ into the This book .
19 We 're now walking into the This is the canteen .
20 I putting the old car in the garage last night , straight up the this car went slow
21 I think if you have mainly pain in there it 's much more likely to be a little bit of inflammation under the this tendon which goes from the muscle here over the top of the kneecap and attaches in there .
22 Ironically , the first three months of 1992 were the wettest in the this part of the country for many years , so that even the flowers in the desert , just a few miles inland , burst into bloom .
23 Erm what you need to do if you are re- employed er you need to let the Paymaster General 's Office know , and there is a form in the this leaflet asking you various questions .
24 Er I was involved in the in the this battle that resulted in the breakthrough by the er by the er by Franco 's fascists , at , er
25 ‘ Well it 's a it 's a it 's a place and it 's a g-girl and a boy … and the-they 've got obviously something which is is made some made made made well it 's just beginning to go and be rather unpleasant ( ha ! ha ! ) um and this is in the this is the the woman and she 's put putting some stuff and the it 's it 's that 's being really too big t-to do and nobody seems to have got anything there at all at all and er it 's …
26 If you , if you look at all the men in the this book , I mean , to begin with the erm cousin , the boy when she
27 The island was a small one in the this has got a heart middle of the pond I could n't find the right line that 's why I did that .
28 Are the systems in the this ourselves now on the responsibility of the sample videos that are now running smoothly .
29 Grinning with surprise as if he had stumbled on to the This is Your Life set , his hand was pumped by Bill Wyman ( the Rolling Stone vote ) , Roland Butcher ( the cricketing vote ) , Gordon Banks ( the goalkeeping vote ) , Elaine Paige ( the musical vote ) , Patrick Moore ( the moon vote ) , Andrew Lloyd Webber ( the seriously rich vote ) and dozens more .
30 And the f the the younger apprentices used to plunk on a Monday afternoon and all go along to Street to the this and she says , You did n't need to buy sweeties it was the rails of the gallery were sticking with toffee .
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