Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The NME of this period is a mutant hybrid where reviews of Engelbert Humperdinck , Andy Williams , The Doors and Led Zeppelin sit uneasily side by side on the page .
2 It will be clear that these two dynamical elements , the smooth propagation a la Schrödinger and the discontinuous collapse on making a measurement , sit uneasily side by side .
3 She had travelled somewhere way up north — Newcastle or something .
4 An umbrella stand conversation piece , largely fashioned from the remains of some unfortunate denizen of the rainforest in imperial Ilorin , but lately conquered somewhere north of Lagos , was dappled in a garish replica of its native twilight .
5 It got rather sort of upgraded .
6 My uneventful watch , as we steamed slowly south , gave me plenty of time to think about the many advantages of cruising in these waters compared to other coastal areas I knew , where complex systems of buoyed channels lead the mariner through an unseen maze of shifting shoals .
7 The final twenty minutes saw play confined to the middle third of the pitch as both linesmen became rather flag happy with a succession of offside decisions which infuriated players and crowd alike .
8 Do n't think so mate .
9 I Do n't think so mate .
10 Well I do n't think so tongue and groove is , is wood in n it ?
11 Do you really think so Doctor ?
12 However , I warn people against lumping together pindown and what has been happening in Leicestershire .
13 This is all very well for the youngest generation of mountain lovers , but there are surely many grown-up readers , to whom metric measurements will convey only inaccuracy and confusion .
14 Expecting to see only derision in those clear , light eyes , she was surprised to find they held a flicker of unwilling respect , even admiration , but all he said was , ‘ Would you like another brandy ? ’
15 The Basque nationalists , on the other hand , profess to see only pain and difficulty in going into government .
16 After all , most people live on the coast and there are large areas inland for sheep farming so wool must be cheap .
17 In ‘ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ’ , the androids lack only memory to believe themselves human .
18 But colour terms frequently qualify only part of the object their head noun denotes ; furthermore , different colour terms may typically apply to different parts , so that , for instance , Mary 's eyes are blue and Mary 's eyes are red are not contraries ( N.B. there is no lexical ambiguity in these sentences ) .
19 Nineteen owned only evening papers .
20 Indeed , even by February 1989 when the first meetings with Jones took place , where Jones was claiming to see neutrons — a sure sign of fusion — Fleischmann and Pons were seeing only heat .
21 To be worthwhile , any such conference would have to be of sufficient weight so that it could have a decisive effect on the ‘ official ’ international conferences — several of which had already taken place with the express purpose of reviewing the treaty , but which had succeeded in producing only confusion and bitterness .
22 In his thriving shop he expected only specialist collectors to be interested but he is surprised and delighted to find that 95% of the customers buy on aesthetic appeal .
23 One energy mix simply chose the cheapest options for supplying energy — using entirely coal , oil and natural gas .
24 The highly experienced management and staff of Perkins Slade , under the leadership of Mr David Slade , bring anew dimension to the Birmingham Midshires Group and we aim to develop further professional brokerage services to companies and individuals .
25 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
26 At the Nez Perce camp on Weippe prairie , and later in the Clearwater valley , the expedition met only kindness and help from the Nez Perce .
27 The book is brimming with little aperçus : why , if dogs eat only meat , do their breaths smell of fish ? ; why , when the credits roll at the end of a film , are more songs listed than one can remember having heard ?
28 They are all hoofed mammals , with two main toes of roughly equal size ; and they are all ( with the singular exception of the pig , which is an omnivore ) herbivores — they eat only vegetation .
29 I have explained that some of these values are purely biological , including perhaps eroticism , to which psychoanalysis attaches so much importance .
30 Any area distal to the point of maximum width contributes only drag , which is proportional to total tail area .
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