Example sentences of "[noun] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Calcium and cylic AMP also inhibit both NaCl absorption and apical membrane Na + /H + exchange in the gall bladder as do aldosterone and activators of protein kinase C in the clon .
2 A current flowing into the inductance L1 at the dot produces a voltage V2 = M(dI1/dt) as shown in Fig. 4.9 .
3 Unlike adherents of other contemporary religions in the Roman empire , except Judaism , Christians regarded their religion as expressing the purpose of God in history ; but whereas Judaism was concerned primarily with the fortunes of Israel , Christians considered their faith to be of universal significance .
4 His main argument is stated succinctly in Theories of Primitive Religion as follows :
5 But nothing as high speed as racing through the streets of Kalgoorlie .
6 Sometimes a sick person 's friends show their faith in such action as taking a person to a healing service or to some centre of healing such as Lourdes .
7 The meaning of the to infinitive is thus in fact a combination of two potentials : the potential meaning of the bare infinitive , which gives the speaker the possibility of representing the realization of any action as unfolding from its beginning through to its end and any state as having a fully actualized lexical content ; and the potential significate of to , which affords the speaker the possibility of representing any movement in time from a before-position to an after-position ( corresponding here to the beginning of the infinitive event ) .
8 If the LTE accounts showed a deficit , the GLC was required to take such action as appeared necessary and appropriate to enable the LTE to balance its books ( section 7(6) ) .
9 Further , under section 7(6) , the GLC was required to have regard to section 7(3) and , where there was a deficit , the GLC was to take such action as appeared to the GLC necessary and appropriate to enable the LTE to comply with the requirements of section 7(3) .
10 Postclassical criminology , then , sees criminal action as chosen and as expressing the purposes , intentions , and meanings attached to the situations in which it occurs , of those who indulge in it .
11 At best the idea of action as produced by the following of a rule is an icon or model of the process by which actions are really generated .
12 Finally , in the interests of security , I welcome the Government 's action as set out in the Bill .
13 The latency of the response to cholera toxin as well as its prolonged effect depend on its mode of action as mentioned above .
14 Each of the following errors has a possible recovery action as shown .
15 It may record its disagreement but ultimately accept the majority 's support of the development ; it may refuse to meet its financial obligations until the organisation ceases the action in question , although this may itself be contrary to the treaty ; it may regard the action as having no legal effect ; or it may withdraw from the organisation .
16 Bush characterized the action as having no military advantage for the Iraqis and as providing further evidence of Saddam Hussein 's ability to " amaze " and " outrage " international opinion .
17 Do you see that as the difference between the way that Americans view philanthropy in the arts as opposed to the way the English view it ?
18 In addition there is no indication in the Ecclesiastical History that Bede thought of Eadwine 's successors as failing to maintain Eadwine 's overlordship of all the Britons .
19 It is important to stress that the Chewong do not conceptualise specifically male characteristics as opposed to female ones .
20 Modern elite theorists are more concerned to analyse the role played by elites in society than to use their internal characteristics as unified elites to explain their predominance .
21 Although Noverre did not specifically name them he described these dancers ' particular characteristics as having similar physiques and technical expertise as the danseurs classiques but they were not always so well-proportioned and usually possessed a natural sense of comedy .
22 The War Wagon tower has its own toughness value , wounds , and other characteristics as shown below .
23 This hazard is avoided by introducing hysteresis in to the comparator characteristics as shown in Fig. 7.3 — so that small changes in the signal from the photosensitive device do not give further detected pulses .
24 It is not hard to portray the BR of the eighties Monty Python style with such stupidities as creating a semi-autonomous Cornish Railways with great enthusiasm one year only to abandon them the next as though that were equally great progress .
25 The attraction of such films lies apparently in the offer of illicit sexual pleasure to men whose sexual confidence is at such a low ebb as to make them unlikely or unable to resist .
26 The change in the attitude to the appointment of barrister-politicians as judges is said to date from Lord Haldane 's Chancellorship ( 1912–15 ) when legal and professional qualifications became the criteria , though at first the change was not extended to the most senior appointments .
27 Priddle and Heywood ( 1980 ) regard antarctic lakes as forming an evolutionary series which has developed over the period of about 20 000 years since the ice-sheet was maximal ; this is in any case a convenient way of describing them .
28 On Oct. 17 the Sejm approved Suchocka 's guidelines as presented on Oct. 9 by 166 votes to 163 with eight abstentions .
29 In any case , ‘ going concern ’ is interpreted in present auditing guidelines as meaning that the company will still be operating six months after the date of the audit report or one year after the date of the balance sheet , when that may be further ahead than company directors can see in the middle of a recession .
30 For a typical company the above policy statement might be expanded into guidelines as follows :
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