Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There has been little investigation , however , as to how the metastability of hepatic bile changes in the gall bladder of patients with or without cholesterol gall stones .
2 Indeed , the norms and manners of Londoners may be closer to those of people in Boston , Mass. than in Belfast ; and if customs and ideas in Birmingham are rather different from those in , say , Barcelona , they are more like those in Barcelona today than in Birmingham when its oldest inhabitant was born .
3 The mining grants empowered the group to search , dig , try and melt all manners of mines and " ures " of gold , silver , copper and quicksilver in a number of counties which included Lancaster , Cumberland and Westmorland .
4 They were also fond of aping the grand manners of servants to aristocratic households and rich farmers .
5 This deals with physics ( with ‘ bodies natural ’ ) , with moral philosophy ( with the ‘ dispositions and manners of men ’ ) , and , finally , with political philosophy ( with the ‘ civil duties of subjects ’ ) .
6 They are , in their order of dependence : moral philosophy or ethics ( which deals with ‘ the dispositions and manners of men ’ ) , and political or civil philosophy ( which deals with ‘ the civil duties of subjects ’ ) .
7 A monologue that centred on hunt balls , riding to hounds , polo and the disgraceful decline of the manners of Guards officers were hardly subjects about which they were often invited to give an opinion .
8 The social taboo placed on discussion of birth control and sexuality , and the acceptance by a majority of middle class women of the idea that they lacked sexual drives — what Judith Walkowitz has called the doctrine of passionlessness — meant that little information was likely to come within the purview of women generally .
9 And in the same year the First Booke of Songes or Ayres of foure partes of the greatest of all English lutenists , John Dowland ( 1563–1626 ) , was printed ‘ with Tableture for the Lute : So made that all the parts together , or either of them severally may be song to the Lute , Orpherian [ a species of cittern , tuned like a lute ] or Viol de Gambo ’ , a confused description which conceals the condition that the highest part must be sung .
10 He bequeathes a number of books : a ‘ little booke of praiers ’ and service books belonging to his chapel , ‘ my saulter clasped with silver ’ , and ‘ my grete booke called saint Grall ’ ( British Library Royal MS 14 .
11 Calculating the mean of probabilities for each of the candidate letters across the length of the strings ( for example ljaclc = ( 99 + 62 + 100 + 74 + 99 + 75 ) /6 = 84.83 ) , and ordering the strings on the basis of these results gives table 2.1 below .
12 Likewise , the 1957 figure is replaced by the mean of years 1955 to 1959 , i.e. and so on .
13 Fasting volume ( mean of measurements at 15 and 0 minutes before test meal ; V in ml ) and residual postprandial volume were measured as characteristic of gall bladder motility .
14 Indices of CCK and PP release were basal concentration ( mean of concentrations at -15 and 0 minutes ) , maximum increase ( ) , and integrated CCK and PP release ( expressed as pmol/l - 1 /120 min ) .
15 Her eyes fell on two empty jam jars standing on a shelf , and then her mind flew to the clumps of snowdrops she 'd noticed blooming near the entrance to the shearers ' quarters .
16 Rather forbiddingly he saunters along the lower rink , past the clumps of families , the young mothers , the babies ' cries .
17 And throughout the evening , making you almost afraid to blink in case you miss anything , Ninagawa fills the stage with a constantly shifting sequence of such pictures — including a magnificent riverside landscape with clumps of reeds bleached by the light of an enormous moon .
18 Also hoover the substrate and remove any loose clumps of algae .
19 FROM WHICHEVER direction you approach Mothecombe , whether along the winding wooded valley beside the ever widening River Erme , or down the road from Battisborough Cross and through the clumps of hydrangeas , or by sea around Butcher 's Cove to its sandy bay and up the secret combe strewn with bluebells and daffodils , the first sight of it takes your breath away .
20 Tall firs form a copse at the back of the house and great clumps of rhododendrons and laurels surround the lawns to the south , conserving the safe , dark Victorian atmosphere of the place .
21 Other insects hear through clumps of hairs or special antennae which work by detecting the movement of the vibrating air molecules instead of picking up the pressure waves of sound .
22 It is always possible to be kinder to the earth , but it is not saving clumps of trees from the bulldozers which will matter in the next century .
23 To the north , where Poitou borders on the Vendee , shapely clumps of trees are almost the only punctuation marks on widespreading marshy landscapes ; to the south it bubbles with little rolling hills .
24 Despite ploughing , despite the ravages of age and elm disease on park trees , the essential features of parks often survive — namely , the encircling shelter belts and individual clumps of trees , and the lakes .
25 Even before I met him I 'd admired a North Shore picture of his which showed the Kam Highway as it meandered out of the hills and down into Haleiwa , flanked by pineapple plantations and clumps of trees , and in the distance the Pacific , rippling with big waves .
26 As they drove through rolling hills topped by Mohican clumps of trees and moved into the leafy green tunnels of Petersfield , his bride , who 'd been primed by Drew , put her hand on her husband 's cock and suggested that it would be more fun to stop and have their picnic in a field than join the crowds at Cowdray .
27 Wracked with longing , Luke drove through the grey lunar landscape , only broken by occasional white towns or ebony clumps of trees .
28 Probably hidden in one of those clumps of trees standing two hundred yards away from the road across the fields .
29 The road , a single car 's width , now heads south on a tortuous journey of ups and downs and ins and outs through a tangled landscape of low hillocks , gneiss outcrops , peat bogs and small lochans that lap the roadside verges , furnished with occasional clumps of trees and bordered by heather and gorse : an undisciplined maze yet endowed with infinite beauty .
30 Corresponding in their insignificance to the islets of the sea , two small clumps of trees , one on each side of the only fault in the impeccable joint , marked the mouth of the river Meinam we had just left on the first preparatory stage of our homeward journey ; and , far back on the inland level , a larger and loftier mass , the grove surrounding the great Paknam pagoda , was the only thing on which the eye could rest from the vain task of exploring the monotonous sweep of the horizon ( 4 ) .
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