Example sentences of "[noun] to being " in BNC.

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1 There are numerous risks to being overweight .
2 Taphonomy is the study of all processes affecting bones as they become changed from being parts of living animals to being preserved as fossils .
3 Thus … in reply to being asked if they worried more than others , they would answer , ‘ How can I know how much others worry ? ’ ’
4 I had enormous parental opposition to being a photographer .
5 Freemasonry has been criticised , with good reasons , for its false god , its inaccurate gospel , its secrecy and , consequently , its easy abuse , its confusion of Scripture with its own ancient myths and fables , and its susceptibility to being misused for members ' selfish ends .
6 Sayer clearly wishes to move beyond explanation to transformation but the problems that realism poses for me derive from its confinement in practice to being simply a better system of explanation .
7 ‘ I would like the public to have a crusade against crime and change their attitude from being forgiving of crime to being considerate of the victim , ’ he said .
8 Familial obesity where there is possibly a familial vulnerability to being overweight .
9 The particular shape of a prey biomorph should determine its vulnerability to being caught , for example , by particular shapes of predator biomorphs .
10 One attractive aspect of this theory is that it highlights the way in which formal instruction can inhibit learning by not allowing sufficient scope for self-expression and self-development — alienation following submission to being taught rather than learning how to learn .
11 Flexibility is the key to being a successful teacher .
12 The key to being naturally beautiful is looking after yourself on the inside as well as the outside and that means eating healthily .
13 They thought understanding women was the key to being a good lover and talked of the importance of chemistry between two people — you could be a good lover with one partner and lousy with another .
14 And the key to being small was to use short radio waves .
15 Accept the wakefulness , finding your own alternative to being asleep , and sleep , in its own contrary way , is more likely to come .
16 For some east German companies , flotations on the Berlin stock exchange could be an alternative to being bought .
17 So the next question he asked was whether , to protect the young , sows would willingly accept controls as an alternative to being forcibly confined .
18 The United Kingdom 's negotiators must alter the attitude with which they have approached the question of integration to date : considering as ‘ victories ’ what are at best delays in the advance of Federalism , and being willing , at the last , to go along with any formula of political union as an alternative to being ‘ relegated ’ to an ‘ outer tier ’ of the EEC .
19 O. smitti is a variable species with the covering of the disk varying from being densely covered with rods and spinelets to being quite open .
20 Also the proportion of rods to spinelets varies to the exclusion of spinelets to being quite open .
21 WIDOW Annette Penhaligon said yesterday her elevation to being a dame was an honour for her Liberal MP husband , killed in a road smash six years ago .
22 Do you think that there is a disadvantage to being a woman at school , so far as a science subject 's concerned ?
23 Given that the two parties were perceived as representing different poles of the political spectrum , government policy would lurch from being right of the political center under one adminstration to being left of center under another .
24 It is true that over a decade when the senior civil service was moving from being primarily regulatory in outlook to being primarily managerial , there was a lack of research , of assessment of situations before action could be properly planned .
25 Girls of all classes preferred marriage to being ‘ left on the shelf ’ , but working class girls needed a husband above all for economic support .
26 The return to being on the inside of the charmed circle entails potential employees extending their search and queuing to join the successful rent-seekers ; i.e. search unemployment is raised .
27 It was a delightful letter ; and the reference to being ‘ fed ’ by us and to the heresy of refrigerating a mature Camembert were typical of him .
28 His initial unease is indicated in his hesitant reference to being on the way to an engagement ( p. 65 ) , and his fear and powerlessness at the end of the scene reflects itself in his abandonment of his turn as he " decides abruptly to leave " ( p. 73 ) .
29 So our perception of the nature of time changed from being independent of the universe to being shaped by it .
30 ‘ I found it quite a transition to go from being a single bloke to being married .
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