Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Even in the sixties , the words ‘ a tendency to deprave and corrupt ’ had led the courts from manners to morals .
2 Well , Eleanor divorced King Louis , who preferred religion to women anyway , and married Henry , who then became Duke of Aquitaine through her .
3 Mr Kelman believes that the net result of the Law Commission proposal will be to increase the risks to companies because hackers who often tell their ‘ victims ’ about their insecure systems will be afraid to do so .
4 The samples are tested as part of a process to minimize health risks to miners .
5 And the risks to youngsters are growing .
6 Vera Crummey outlines how to minimise risks to nurses , technicians and pathologists in the mortuary
7 Last week , a conference of the Society for Experimental Biology at Lancaster University heard new information about the possible risks to crops from increased UVB radiation levels .
8 Erm what are the health risks to producers or processors ?
9 On the other hand , the maternal depletion syndrome that often characterizes the condition of older women with large families has been offered as partial explanation for the high child mortality risks to births of high order .
10 We need to campaign , to urge , no urge is not strong enough , to insist that tampon manufacturers clearly highlight the symptoms and risks to users .
11 The risks to investors in some deals turn out , with hindsight , to have been badly understated which , in turn , helped to create crazily high prices .
12 ‘ All employers must assess any forseeable risks to employees using their workstations and premises , and should inform employees of the results of these assessments .
13 Employers will have to assess health and safety risks to employees and others who may be affected and arrange for the implementation of measures identified by the risk assessment ( p 104 ) .
14 1.7 The Department acknowledges that certain duties may carry additional risks to employees and all possible steps will be taken to minimise these .
15 Apart from risks to patients related to medications , nurses themselves may be at risk , for example , when handling cytotoxic drugs which are being used increasingly in the treatment of cancer .
16 The first study of risks to patients reported 400 patients ‘ operated ’ on by an HIV-infected urologist. 80% of procedures were endoscopies , which are low risk in terms of percutaneous injury for the surgeon and therefore also presumably for the patient .
17 Although the risks to patients are small , not surprisingly , some visiting Dr Lusman 's surgery were anxious .
18 But we have to say that the er the individual risks to patients from the radiation used in examinations are very very low .
19 IT states that risks to individuals and society should be As Low As Reasonably Practicable .
20 The consumer 's physical safety is considered in the Consumer Safety Act , 1978 , which draws up regulations to minimise risks to consumers from potentially dangerous products , such as oil heaters , electric blankets and certain children 's toys .
21 Regulations , however , have failed to address the mounting risks to consumers from pollution and chemical waste , which share the water with the seafood .
22 They showed that the death risks to plants in populations within years were commonly greatest when the survivors were growing fastest — not during the periods when the anthropomorphically-minded botanist would regard the physical environment as ‘ harsh ’ .
23 Risks to surgeons and patients from HIV and hepatitis
24 I 've heard such a lot about the risks to eyes after infection with dog dirt and I 'm very worried .
25 ‘ The health risks to nonsmokers [ of passive smoking ] provide added argument for the reduction of smoking in the community , and nonsmoking should be regarded as the norm in enclosed areas frequented by the public or employees , special provision being made for smokers , rather than vice versa. ’ [ 4 ] .
26 They exhibit similar odour free and taint free characteristics to anionics and are of relatively low toxicity .
27 To overcome it some look upon their own experience and try to offer its essential characteristics to others .
28 No persuasive empirical case has been made for ascribing common psychological , intellectual or moral capacities or characteristics to individuals on the basis of skin colour or physiognomy .
29 Although they attribute violent characteristics to outsiders , they all see themselves as inherently peaceful .
30 Wallace objected to this aspect of Darwin 's theory on the grounds that ‘ female choice ’ attributed human characteristics to animals .
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