Example sentences of "[noun] for which " in BNC.

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1 Although tired and running out of provisions , the English had several advantages : a good defensive position ; a united command ; and the use of an army which had already proved highly successful against the Scots , a combination of archers and dismounted men-at-arms for which , in the conditions prevailing on the day , the French cavalry and the crossbowmen of their Genoese allies proved no match .
2 Political uncertainty , after the Norse invasions which began in the ninth century , forced a need for protection for which services were given in exchange .
3 Three initiatives in particular " confirmed " their fears : a seminar series held in 1954 and entitled " Encounters between Poetry and the University " , which were ostensibly purely cultural but always became highly politicized ; a projected " Congress of Young University Writers " , planned for November 1955 by pro-democratic students and progressive Falangists , but banned by the Ministry of the Interior ; and the idea of a " National Congress of Students " , in preparation for which a manifesto calling for the abolition of the SEU monopoly of student representation was circulated in universities throughout Spain in early 1956 .
4 In its report , the House of Representatives natural resources committee identified former military ranges , hazardous chemical dumps and mines for which the government is potentially liable .
5 In fact , as an eminent Scottish banker remarked looking back from seven years on , it was remarkable , " after the first surprise and alarm was over , how quietly the country submitted , as they still do , to transact all business by means of bank notes for which the issuers give no specie " .
6 Like the faith for which they argue , the best books are there not to collect dust but to stretch minds and to shed light .
7 The people were so strong in the faith for which their forebears had fought and suffered ; their steadfastness and courage , handed down through the ages , lived on in the men and women who only a few years ago had defied the invader of their homeland .
8 A licence is that consent which , without passing any interest in the property to which it relates , merely prevents the acts for which consent is given from being wrongful .
9 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
10 In this chapter we are dealing with a set of phenomena for which there is not a clearly identified name and which therefore presents different faces in different theories .
11 One possibility is to retreat to an ostensive or extensional definition , i.e. simply to provide a list of the phenomena for which a pragmatic theory must account ( cf.
12 True , it was not so spectacular as earlier assaults on it , such as the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 , so it is hardly surprising that Israeli leaders should have so contemptuously dismissed it , so patently failed to understand its revolutionary import : that , for the first time , the enemy was offering the prospect of the civilised , peaceful , negotiated settlement for which Israel had clamoured since its foundation .
13 To begin with , the reasons for which artists show together are varied .
14 The ‘ leopards and broom plants ’ , Plantagenet emblems , signify the dynastic reasons for which Henry the young king was killed , as were Rizzio and Mary 's husband Darnley centuries later .
15 Does it not add to the reasons for which they have to act , and to the considerations which may justify their authority ?
16 It presupposes a reasonable belief in the existence of some other reasons for which consent is valid in some circumstances and the misled person 's mistaken belief that these reasons apply to his case .
17 Those who do their best but , for reasons for which they may not be to blame , are not temperamentally suited to deep involvement in the special problems of the elderly , may have other talents for caring .
18 The reasons for which it is drawn influence the way it is drawn .
19 We would ask the reader to bear in mind from the outset , however , that we write from the viewpoint of the English urban sub-culture , in which we are not only fieldworkers and observers but life members ; nevertheless , we believe that the English and American complexes of parental experience show very many points of coincidence , both historically and contemporaneously , both in the things that parents do and in the reasons for which they do them : and that , therefore , a discussion in these terms will have a validity for parent-child behaviour on both sides of the Atlantic .
20 I now set out the reasons for which I agreed that the appeal should be allowed .
21 It 's an inset problem , and therefore one is looking inevitably at the reasons for which you can moved an inset boundary , supposing that one already exists , which it does n't , but let us suppose it does .
22 However , by section 10 of the Employment Act 1988 the immunity is withdrawn where the reason or one of the reasons for which the act is done is the fact or belief that the employer is employing non-union labour .
23 Doubtless the slow ‘ stately ’ motion of Jupiter in its orbit and its brightness were some of the reasons for which the Romans gave to this planet the name Jupiter , the Roman king of the gods .
24 These are globally averaged values of altitude variations , the zero of altitude being taken at a pressure of 1 bar : see section 3.3.1 for the reasons for which a pressure value is an appropriate choice of zero for altitude .
25 As part of an increasingly cost-driven organisation , Lt Col Hatton faces some tough management tasks affecting the entire operation , from length of courses ( they are , generally , being tightened up and shortened ) to the time , effort and money devoted to training Salon Culinaire entrants , a traditional area of Army catering expertise for which resources are shrinking .
26 The introduction of the ‘ Spaceman ’ programme , which allows retailers to computer-plan the optimum use of available display space , is a good example of the trade support expertise for which United Distillers is rapidly becoming known .
27 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
28 These are objects for which the compact object is normally thought to be a neutron star ; the most popular model for the QPOs involves interaction between an accretion flow and the magnetosphere of the neutron star .
29 The objects for which the company was formed .
30 Indeed , this used to be the main argument of opponents of black holes : how could one believe in objects for which the only evidence was calculations based on the dubious theory of general relativity ?
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