Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 At point B workers have been pushed off their labour supply function but employers remain on their labour demand function , albeit at a different point .
2 Rules change on pets likely
3 Rules change on Monday for disabled drivers using orange badge parking discs .
4 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
5 The queen asked how the groups got on coming from so many different backgrounds and cultures , and if they were making any new recruits .
6 John was a cardmaker , and yet it was his good fortune to have depended on parish relief rather less often than some ; he and his family needed a brief period of support in the famine period of 1801–2 , when they were allowed 2s. a week , later reduced to 1s. , until payment stopped on 9 March 1802 .
7 The most useful definition is that of groups formed on the basis of occupational difference .
8 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
9 Modules may be offered as free-standing units or in integrated modular programmes depending on the needs of various client groups .
10 Either way , this black man , his ringleted hair gleaming on his shoulders , was not Gentle .
11 There stood Balboa , his shield on his arm , his cuirass gleaming on his chest , the brilliant new banner in one hand and his naked sword in the other , his plumed helmet giving him a stature far more considerable than offered by his height alone .
12 Our large cases sit on a small side table at knee-level .
13 Whatever the need for honesty , there is little point , and usually no advantage , in allowing discussions to continue on the basis of anger or mutual recrimination .
14 After 20 years ' service the almost total entitlement to remain on full pay , albeit suspended from duty , until the age of 65 .
15 The coexistence of these two problems means that a choice must be made between an expansionary or contractionary budget depending on the government 's preference : higher employment or stable prices .
16 In Kuwait City itself the Iraqi forces met some opposition from elite troops guarding the Amir 's palace and from troops stationed in Army and Air Force barracks situated on the city 's outskirts .
17 All treatment was withdrawn for a minimum of two weeks , after which inclusion in the trial depended on a diastolic blood pressure >105 mm Hg .
18 It will automatically calculate , for example , what proportion of your income goes on things like the car and household items .
19 Much of my paltry income goes on rent boys — one of my few weekend leisure activities .
20 Minton asked on arriving , proving this revelation with the thousand-franc notes he produced and which enabled his young friends each in turn to take Mimi or Fifi upstairs , Hunt having previously thought that these girls , whom they drew and took dancing , were secretaries .
21 In some systems of law the disability of persons under full age is helped out by the powers of the parent or guardian , who can represent the child , and , by acting on his behalf or giving concurrence to his acts , can make dispositions of his property and contracts binding on him .
22 But the robots carry more formal titles painted on their sides , like ABB or Kawasaki .
23 A stock index represents the market 's estimate of the present value of the subsequent cash flows expected from the constituent companies , while the current price of a futures contract on an index for delivery at time T represents the market 's estimate of the present value at time T of the subsequent cash flows .
24 An intercommodity spread between two index futures , where the shares in one index are a subset of the shares in the other index , represents a futures contract on the shares that are in one index but not the other .
25 B. Black obtains the result that E ( F t +l ; - F t ) = [ E ( R M ) - r ] β i , where β i = cov[ ( F t +l ; - F t ) , R M ] , while Duffie obtains E ( F T - F t ) = [ E ( E T ) - , where = Cov ( E T F T ) /Var ( E T ) , E T is aggregate terminal wealth and F t M is the price at time t of a futures contract on aggregate terminal wealth .
26 The settlement price ( or the exchange delivery settlement price , EDSP ) is the trading price ( per 100 nominal ) for the futures contract on the last day of trading .
27 On 26 June 1991 LIFFE launched a futures contract on the ISE 's new Eurotrack-100 Index .
28 In 1975 it launched the world 's first interest rate futures contract on Government National Mortgage Association ( GNMA ) mortgage backed certificates .
29 Any decision given on review attracts a further right of appeal just like the original decision .
30 The hearing will be adjourned pending the delivery of the High Court 's opinion , at which time it will be relisted and a decision given on the merits in the light of the High Court 's opinion on the law .
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