Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Friction led to furious rows and the rows led to Willy demanding that he should be allowed to take a room where he could look after himself .
2 They were expected to take about twenty minutes to sink to the bottom .
3 Before that , tin extraction followed either from metal ‘ streaming ’ — collecting tin deposits from rivers , the flow of the water doing a reasonable job in separating the heavy tin particles from the soil — or from shovelling up the ore from lodes exposed to the surface .
4 Tony and I reckon that when Matt goes to heaven he 'll have his nose in an Ordnance Survey Map and he 'll be saying , " If I remember rightly there should be an old bloke around here with long grey hair and a grey beard and a long white nightie on .
5 It took me about quarter of an hour to sort it all out , and then she asked what train and said she 'd get her mum to agree to ‘ take in this ‘ Vern ’ or whatever his name is ’ and meet us at the station .
6 When Buck goes to a diner , he sits at a table opposite a creepy woman with a nervous tic who keeps running a grey rubber mouse over her face .
7 The plans referred to are short-term plans for periods of from one week to one month .
8 It is sometimes difficult to make the decision referred to in ( i ) .
9 As we have seen , in the past false biological views led to false reasoning .
10 His fierce anti-Common Market views led to a challenge to his candidacy for the South Edinburgh seat in 1973 which he successfully fought off .
11 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
12 The storm builds to a particular intensity .
13 ‘ A Primary Darkfall is where the storm builds to a pitch and there is one strike .
14 The new issue market is not a distinct and separate organization within the Stock Exchange , rather it is merely a tag given to the collection of processes by which companies acquire both a listing on the exchange and new equity capital .
15 The split led to Sankara 's assassination in October 1987 .
16 Moorcroft 's letter of resignation refers to his ill health , but speaking 40 years later , Coleman said : ‘ I could see no ill health [ in Moorcroft ] at all .
17 VETERAN rocker Rod Stewart got to grips with fatherhood at last yesterday .
18 Since institutions tend to be affected in the same way by the same set of factors , share prices will be more volatile than would otherwise be the case .
19 I 've had a few copies made to be on the safe side : solicitors , banks … you know .
20 He felt that such ‘ impersonal ’ coverage amounted to a propaganda victory for the IRA .
21 It might strengthen my case to appeal to apparently neutral , non-political standards but I do not suppose that I would be saying anything useful about the nature of cognition .
22 I stress the exuberance because most of the literature on anorexia nervosa stresses that anorexics tend to be ‘ good ’ little girls .
23 Climbers make a great mistake , however , in imagining that each of these groups aspires to the dizzy heights of dangling .
24 But Laird 's trade unionists are still bitter about the council 's decision to object to the proposed Point of Ayr gas terminal the development that could offer a lifeline to the yard if it wins approval .
25 In Benjamin 's dualistic conception , allegory refers to bits and pieces of every-day life — often discarded objects , sometimes relics — that together constitute ‘ myths ’ through which individuals in a given historical period understand the social world .
26 This gives an IR spectrum containing absorptions belonging to methane , ethane , ethylene and three new peaks assigned to the methyl radical .
27 The codes used are summarised in Fig 11.13 ; internal in this instance referred to any activity within the EPH system model , and external to those of the wider system of interest or surrounding environment , eg the Department headquarters , Area Offices etc .
28 ( ROS goes upstage : Ideally a sort of upper deck joined to the downstage lower deck by short steps .
29 ‘ Your Uncle Nathan has wanted her with him in Leeds ever since Christie planned to be married .
30 The Labour Party ‘ power hoggers ’ David Marquand refers to will strongly resist this approach , as being marginal to the real issues .
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