Example sentences of "an expression of [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He later addressed the question of why this awareness only arises occasionally ( in The Interpretation of Dreams ) by saying that it is an expression of conflict about the will .
2 To play music in this way is considered both a privilege and an obligation , an expression of pride in the ancestors ' memory and their own heritage .
3 Quine 's atomism at the observational level is grounded in his adherence to verificationism , as an expression of empiricism in the theory of meaning .
4 Leavis himself is by now reduced to an expression of gratitude for the letters page of The Times in " the world of triumphant modernity , the world of power centres from which the quantity-addicted machinery of civilization is controlled , directed and exploited " and in which " literature in the old sense has ceased to matter " Henceforth the conception of English as a central force for sustaining the national cultural " heritage " would become largely the property of the right .
5 There was an expression of shock on the shapechanger 's face .
6 The very activity is also an expression of faith in the tradition , of a willingness to understand oneself and the world in its terms and to carry on the argument , which in the area with which we are concerned is inescapably a normative argument , within the general framework defining the tradition .
7 Mere membership of a temperance society , or the taking of a pledge of total abstinence , or an expression of sympathy with the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquor ( McGeehan v. Knox , 1913 S.C .
8 It was an exercise in self-congratulation from the leader of the self-proclaimed Land of Liberty as much as an expression of solidarity with the oppressed .
9 The gates are , in some way , an expression of anger towards the people she would like to trust .
10 The result was interpreted by most commentators as an expression of anger against the Democrat administration of Michael Dukakis — who had decided not to seek a fourth term — for having caused the state 's current fiscal problems .
11 This homage to the past can be seen as an expression of respect for the artist 's original intent , for his ambition to prolong his existence through a work created according to artistic rules , with chosen techniques and materials .
12 At its crudest the conservative-historical approach to permissiveness is but a mourning for a lost ‘ golden age ’ , an expression of grief for the passing of a time when questions of morals supposedly appeared much simpler , more straightforward and certainly less contentious and open to question .
13 The story is an expression of belief in the power of Jesus .
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