Example sentences of "assume that [art] [noun sg] [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 The anti-recording position assumes that a sound recording is literally a record of a live event , a memento of it , as a snapshot might be of a holiday or a family event .
2 While the former does not go beyond the school — seeing the school as both problem and solution — the latter assumes that the education system is entirely successful as an apparatus which reproduces gender and class inequality .
3 The traditional view of insider dealing typically assumes that the company director is the insider , dealing on his own behalf in the shares of the company of which he is an employee .
4 This chapter assumes that the expatriate employee is male and references to spouses are directed to wives .
5 This assumes that the process name is LSTRAIN , hence that is the name of the command file , and that the user access symbol is also LSTRAIN .
6 I have been told by many other breeders that they have experienced a similar thing in their own kennels and so we can assume that the pecking order is not always maintained through physical strength .
7 Again , for simplicity we shall assume that the price level is believed to remain unchanged over the period of the contract , so we can write :
8 Let us further assume that the charge distribution is uniform and denote the charge per unit length by pl ( we are defining thereby a linear charge density of dimension coulomb per metre ) .
9 In the following examples , we shall always assume that the training set is already represented suitably .
10 Now we may wish to assume that an accuracy order is the same as an acquisitional order , but such an assumption is not warranted by the evidence , it is based on the speculation that language learners will reveal what they know , that their performance will be a reflection of their competence .
11 Some accounts ( e.g. Honig 1981 ) assume that a reinforcer expectancy is more likely to persist in memory than is a representation of the sample stimulus itself .
12 As an example of one technique , assume that a project leader is told that his current project , if successful , will earn the company £1000 profit , if a failure , nothing .
13 As an example of one technique , assume that a project leader is told that his current project , if successful , will earn the company £1000 profit , if a failure , nothing .
14 ( c ) In ( a ) and ( b ) we assume that the index register is large enough to hold both fields ; for example , the DEC PDP- 10 uses the two halves of a 36-bit accumulator .
15 However , we will disregard this refinement for the remainder of the chapter and assume that the discount rate is constant .
16 We assume that the matrix A is already in upper Hessenberg form .
17 Romer and Rosenthal assume that the reversion level is exogenous .
18 In Fig. 11–9 assume that the reversion level is .
19 ( d ) In ( a ) and ( b ) we assume that the modifier field is always incremented by one , but other arrangements are possible .
20 Asheim made several further valid points about book selection which not only suggest responsible action by the librarian , but recognize and assume that the library user is an intelligent and responsible person .
21 If we assume that the marketing concept is upheld in a particular organization , then the key objectives of its marketing department could be as follows :
22 In other words , if we choose coordinates so that the linearised flow near the origin takes the form we can use these equations to work out the point on the side of B where a trajectory emerges from B if it starts at a point on the top face of B. ( We assume that the box B is a cube with faces which are part of the planes .
23 Assuming that a licensing arrangement is agreed , then regular checks must be made as to the quality of the licensee 's finished products and defined quality standards should be part of the licensing agreement .
24 Assuming that a target company is confined to an authority of 10 per cent it will be seen that the directors of the target and their concert parties will need to hold at least 27 per cent before the buy-in to hold 30 per cent afterwards and thereby trigger a Rule 9 obligation .
25 Assuming that the money market is in equilibrium initially , the policy will raise the supply of money above the demand for money , and wealth holders will find themselves holding more money than they desire in their portfolios .
26 The cause of this effect is the oscillation in rotor velocity shown in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 , where it is assumed that the system inertia is sufficient to maintain rotation even if the load torque temporarily exceeds the motor torque .
27 It is assumed that the correction factor is independent of speed and therefore it can be evaluated quite simply for the rectangular current waveforms typical of low-speed operation .
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