Example sentences of "of the role of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth pausing to consider ‘ deindustrialization ’ , the destruction of what Row thorn ( 1986 ) calls a ‘ workshop economy ’ , and of the role of space in this as identified by Massey ( 1984 ) .
2 Much work has been done on children 's understanding of how a person 's beliefs determine that person 's actions , but less is known about their conception of the role of motivation in action .
3 Thus , we would caution against drawing general conclusions from analyses of specific areas of law , and we would argue that it is important to develop , not a theory of law , but a theory of the role of law in society to enable a clearer assessment of the extent or limits of law 's importance .
4 This perspective is unduly restrictive of the role of law in its socially instrumental aspects and unduly kind to those who have power over the legislative and judicial functions of states in that to define law in terms of the pursuit of order seems unwarrantably to exclude the use of law to foment disorder when this seems desirable to the politically strong .
5 Many research literatures have uncovered the relationship between powerlessness and health ; and conversely , of the role of empowerment in health-enhancement .
6 This raises the large question of the role of translation in the transmission of French ideas to English readers .
7 The great theme of the advocates of constitutionalism , in contrast either to the theorists of utopianism , or of absolutism , of the right or of the left , has been the frank acknowledgment of the role of government in society , linked with the determination to bring that government under control and to place limits on the exercise of its power .
8 The theory of ideology offers an account of the role of knowledge in society that enables its analyses to operate as critique .
9 Then , whilst resolutely throwing underconsumption out of the window he allows it to creep in through the back door again with his discursive discussion of the role of labour-power as a commodity and its place in the circulation process .
10 Further discussion of the role of bureaucracy in Bonapartist regimes will be reserved for the analysis of underdevelopment , since it is in the context of the post-colonial state that The Eighteenth Brumaire has provided most stimulation to contemporary Marxists .
11 This may initiate a wider discussion of the role of teachers in a new South Africa and begin to change entrenched attitudes .
12 Clarification of the role of DGR in gastric pathology is limited by the techniques available for its measurement .
13 This fact is a reflection of the role of rules in practical reasoning .
14 While this evidence makes it unlikely that children learn grammar through reinforcement of ‘ correct ’ utterances , it leaves open the question of the role of reinforcement in the development of different language functions .
15 Hilton here formulates the same perceptions that govern Rolle 's understanding of the role of meditations on the Passion when he says : In fact Hilton gives no very precise rules about meditation itself because he is aware that it relates intimately to each individual 's unique personality and gifts .
16 Under the heading of ‘ Race and Racial Science ’ is Elizabeth Dilling 's The Jewish Religion : Its Influence Today , which is described as ‘ a detailed analysis of the role of Judaism in contemporary society ’ .
17 But in recent years the knowledge of the role of electricity in the treatment of disease has developed considerably , and there are no technical reasons why the findings and the techniques outlined can not be implemented and developed immediately by any competent specialist .
18 To redress the balance , this project seeks to build onto the earlier work an understanding of the role of ideologies of love , sharing , domesticity , familism etc. in intimate couple relationships .
19 My own understanding of the role of services in the lives of disabled people has developed , and in the light of this I have reviewed my own working practices .
20 This type of study provided the impetus to investigation of the role of angioplasty for residual thrombosis following thrombolytic therapy .
21 In the last decade , various strands of research have led to re-examination of the role of metaphor in language , and to the suggestion that it is a tool for thought .
22 This is a striking indication of the role of money in European society as a whole ; it reveals that even the peasantry must have reckoned , under good conditions , to produce , and to sell in the local market , a substantial surplus .
23 Detailed information on the marketing activities of these firms will allow an examination of the role of marketing in the innovation process .
24 The ultimate test of the role of GIS in emergency/hazard situations is their response time as external information is fed into the system .
25 Standing outside the castle railings with your back to the interesting buildings in Hradčany Square ( Hradčanské náměstí ) you get a preview of the importance of the role of sculpture in the fabric of Prague .
26 This was good news for pacifists , but bad news for Hobson 's theory , and it opened the way to a more optimistic interpretation of the role of finance in international relations .
27 To provide a detailed commentary on the material obtained in relation to an overall philosophy of the role of language in education and its implications for teacher education policy and practice .
28 All in all , there seems little doubt that the time is ripe for an assessment of the role of language in teacher education .
29 These three domains can provide a framework for a consideration of the role of language in education .
30 Since ‘ talk ’ forms a substantial part of a primary schoolchild 's life the teachers ' classrooms need to reflect an understanding of the role of language in learning situations and also the role of language in social situations .
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