Example sentences of "visible with the naked [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Quite often , olivine and pyroxene begin to crystallize out early on , so they may be present in the final rock as quite large crystals , up to a centimetre across , many times larger than the crystals surrounding them , and easily visible with the naked eye .
2 I well remember the occasion when he discovered a brightish nova , just about visible with the naked eye and easily seen with binoculars .
3 The faintest stars normally visible with the naked eye are of magnitude 6 , and binoculars will go down to at least 8 ; my 20 × 70 pair will reach 9 .
4 More than a hundred are known , though only three ( Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanæ in the southern sky , and the Hercules globular in the northern ) are clearly visible with the naked eye .
5 However , there are two exceptions : the Magellanic Clouds , so named because they were recorded by the Portuguese explorer Magellan in his voyage round the world — though they must have been noticed earlier , because they are very bright — and the Large Cloud is visible with the naked eye even in moonlight .
6 It is clearly visible with the naked eye , close to Nu ( 4.5 ) .
7 Præsepe , nicknamed the Beehive , is one of the finest clusters of its type ; it is easily visible with the naked eye and is well seen with × 7 binoculars , while with × 12 and × 20 it is truly glorious .
8 M67 is in the field with Alpha ( 4.2 ) ; it is said to be visible with the naked eye , but I have never been able to confirm this , though with binoculars it is very easy indeed .
9 There is however one splendid open cluster , M41 , which is easily visible with the naked eye and is resolvable with × 20 binoculars ; various individual stars can be seen with lower magnifications .
10 The Eta Carinæ nebula is visible with the naked eye .
11 It is easy to find , because it is usually visible with the naked eye at about magnitude 5 , and is in the same binocular field with Beta ; to either side of it are Tau ( 5.1 ) and Sigma ( 4.9 ) , which act as good comparisons , though Tau is of type K and has been suspected of slight variability .
12 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and is striking in binoculars ; with × 12 there is some resolution of its outer parts , and with × 20 it is seen to be starry .
13 R Coronæ , in the bowl , is generally well within binocular range , and can just become visible with the naked eye , but when it drops to minimum it may fall to as low as magnitude 15 .
14 When photographed with adequate equipment it really does recall the outline of the North American continent ; it is dimly visible with the naked eye in the guise of a slightly brighter section of the Milky Way , and binoculars show it clearly as a large region of diffuse nebulosity .
15 With × 7 , Zeta is in the same field as Delta and Lambda , and this makes comparisons easier even though Zeta is always visible with the naked eye under even reasonable conditions of seeing .
16 It is visible with the naked eye , and its position close to Eta and Mu makes it very easy to locate .
17 It is worth remembering that in conditions of mist or moonlight , the whole south-polar region appears blank , and Beta Hydri is often the only star fairly close to the pole to remain visible with the naked eye .
18 It is the least luminous star visible with the naked eye .
19 L2 Puppis is a semi-regular variable with a range of from 3.4 to 6.2 , so that it is almost always visible with the naked eye and is well within binocular range even at minimum ; it is of type M , and clearly orange .
20 M6 and M7 are bright open clusters ; both are visible with the naked eye , not far from the Scorpion 's sting , and both are easily resolved with binoculars .
21 It is visible with the naked eye , and with × 12 I have suspected individual stars ; with × 20 there is undoubtedly some degree of resolution .
22 It has a period of 357 days , and at minimum is so faint that large telescopes are needed to show it , but at maximum it has been known to rise to 5.7 , and is then just visible with the naked eye and very easy in binoculars .
23 Its companion , Alcor or 80 Ursæ Majoris , is of magnitude 4.0 , and is easily visible with the naked eye ; the angular distance between the two is 11.8 minutes of arc , so that in binoculars they make a noble pair .
24 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and binoculars give it a vaguely cruciform appearance .
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