Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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31 Proust took the view that writers should be judged by their works alone , rather than be interpreted through biography .
32 Given Rodin 's collaboration with his photographers , these old photographs go far in answering the question from which points of view and from what distances they should be seen .
33 The art critic is thus bound to consider with care what standards of comparison should be used .
34 Incidentally , the good art critic should be the reader 's friend in refusing to be impressed by art market prices .
35 This comparison may form the crucial part of a description ; later on , using comparison as a criterion , that a portrait should look like the sitter , that landscape should look natural , and the objects in a still life should be identifiable , a critic can use it as part of an evaluation .
36 A journalist politician , Meredith Herbert , is made a minister — perhaps in order that he should be damaged by having to deal with the people on the streets ; he is , perhaps , physically beaten up .
37 He reverts to the point with the analyst : ‘ Supposing I did n't have what a child objectively should be entitled to … ’ .
38 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
39 In that respect , Kundera could have fooled at least one of his readers ; but I do see that it belongs to the point of it all that the uncommon Jaromil should be thought humanly representative .
40 It is not surprising that the Czech novelist Josef Skvorecky should be keen on My First Loves .
41 It seems appropriate that the language of Four Quartets should enter the novel at one point — appropriate , too , of course , that it should be mocked .
42 You should be aware of this period and I recommend reading all four plays and also The Theatre of George Devine by Irving Wardle .
43 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
44 You will now perhaps be wondering whether or not you should be coached for your audition .
45 To scan , Semiramis should be pronounced SeMIRamis not SEMiramis .
46 I do n't rise sooner , because 't is the worst thing in the world for the complexion ; nat that I pretend to be a beau ; but a man must endeavour to look wholesome , lest he make so nauseous a figure in the side-bax , the ladies should be compelled to turn their eyes upon the play .
47 I did not believe a newspaper should be part of the apparatus of the state ; we are not a totalitarian society .
48 It took me a long time to accept the fact that now I should not be killed — that I should be one of the survivors .
49 There are those who think that all drama students who graduate from drama school should be given an Equity card when they receive their diploma ; to me , this is naive .
50 I do think there should be better arrangements for students leaving to audition and get Provisional cards and not always be intimidated by the ‘ Equity only ’ requirement at auditions .
51 Things should be made easier ; after all actors come from all walks of life and we should n't keep them out .
52 The voice and movement work is very important but the professional requirements have changed , particularly in respect of film and television and there should be more training in this area .
53 The theatre is at it 's best being spectacular and for experimental new plays — I certainly do n't think the theatre should be like television .
54 I think there should be a more stringent system of entry into the drama schools so that there is a higher standard of work achieved by the time they come to join the profession .
55 Do you think the training of young actors should be more orientated towards television ?
56 Apart from basic agreements on the necessity for law and order for survival purposes , an issue which will be treated later in the chapter , there are a number of similarities which should be mentioned .
57 At other times , they have stressed the cultural , ethnic , historical , and geographical reasons why Ireland should be unified politically .
58 But the form as a whole should be recognized as inimical to protestants , especially when pursued in the arena of politics .
59 These should be noted , before one views the siege as baseline myth for the interpretation of everyday life .
60 They moved that a new scheme should be prepared , in conformity with catholic social teaching .
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