Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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91 Together or separately , the two of them may hold the key to power after the election .
92 Some of them may accept equity as part of the necessary restructuring of GPA 's debts .
93 Other long-tail types impair flight and show greater sexual dimorphism , but variation in their initial evolutionary cost suggests differences in how female preferences for them may have evolved .
94 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
95 Although incomes had to be given , assessment of the personal property of ‘ spiritual men ’ was not stipulated , and since the clergy were customarily taxed more heavily than the laity a good many of them may have been less than forthcoming .
96 It is also suggested that , provided we plunge below the surface of these theories , certain important links between them may be revealed .
97 The sites now considered to illustrate undefended settlements have been chosen at random since it would have required much research and fieldwork to have presented a comprehensive list in time for this Conference ; attention is merely drawn to a number of sites with the hope that they , and others like them may be studied in more detail by local efforts .
98 The Huyghes ' administration of the museum , which had an average of only fifteen to twenty visitors a day , has been widely criticised as dusty , to say the least , the heavy-handedness and the sheer malice of the campaign against them may be due to clan warfare within the Institut de France and may also have political roots Jean-Paul Scarpitta , for example , was a personal friend of Président Mitterrand 's wife Danièle .
99 Despite the fact that neither the Model Code nor the Take-over Code have the force of law , they do represent important statements of commercial morality and at times breach of them may have legal consequences .
100 Those who subscribe to them and are honoured by reference to them may be thought of with contempt by those for whom the underlife is the serious basis of social living .
101 Boaden found no evidence that the availability of resources was a cause of spending by local authorities though the lack of them may obviously ‘ limit how far any authority can go ’ ( Boaden 1971:116 ) .
102 A very , very few of them may still be alive today , with their memories .
103 Plato makes Protagoras a proponent of democracy , and Socrates is his antagonist : Now when we meet in the Assembly , then if the State is faced with some building project , I observe that the architects are sent for and consulted about the proposed structures , and when it is a matter of shipbuilding , the naval designers , and so on with everything which the Assembly regards as a subject for learning and teaching But when it is something to do with the government of the country that is to be debated , the man who gets up to advise them may be a builder or equally well a blacksmith or a shoemaker , merchant or ship-owner , rich or poor , of good family or none .
104 Social and practical situations are interactive and pupils ' competence in them may be quite different from their abilities with pen and paper alone .
105 Skills that he wishes to rehearse with them may be part of the programme of another department also , and it makes good sense to have some consultation and perhaps co-ordination .
106 Others among them may form consistently unfortunate or unhappy heterosexual relationships without realising the true reason for their failures in this area ; for these , realisation of their homosexual needs and urges could be a step towards release from a heterosexual bondage .
107 The second involves the juxtaposition of two consonants not usually placed together in an attempt to reproduce a sound peculiar to the original language ( e.g. , the " kh " sound in Bakhtiari or Bakhshaish ) ; the two consonants used in this way may vary , or one of them may be left out altogether .
108 The quantities of waste water are often great , so that a treatment plant designed to cope adequately with them may have to be large and therefore expensive to install .
109 It is unlikely to be in exactly the same position , even if she could find it , for during the night there is a great deal of jostling among the youngsters and any one of them may have moved about eighteen inches or so .
110 Branch plants in regions far from head office may be more vulnerable to closure , while the more routine production work which is carried out in them may be more vulnerable to automation than the work done centrally .
111 The industrialists of the water-power age , out in the open country , had put up houses for their workpeople — as at Cromford , Mellor and Styal , where many of them may still be seen — which were , in Professor Ashton 's words , ‘ not wanting in amenity and comfort ’ and even possessed a certain quality of design and proportion .
112 The differences found between them may throw light on certain rarely remarked properties of the object which suggest that it has a major role in the development of cognitive abilities and the ways in which the world is perceived , understood and lived in .
113 High welfare benefits may attract electoral support from the recipients , but the high taxes to pay for them may lead to electoral unpopularity with the wider population ; balancing the two is a difficult political act .
114 I have outlined one possible approach to reading discourses , whether racist or antiracist , which suggests that what is going on in and between them may be more complex and contradictory than is often allowed .
115 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
116 Some of them may be men like John , forced by their male pride and their self-image to suffer in silence .
117 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
118 Complete removal of weeds , including all the roots , is important , preferably by hand or while digging ; incidentally , do remember that some of them may be the very plants you are intending to grow , though if the area contains horsetail it is better not to try growing perennial plants in it until you have been clearing out this weed for some years .
119 Some of them may succeed in keeping abreast of course-work but will make little attempt to understand what has been presented to them during lectures and tutorial periods .
120 But one of them may be the sort of book you feel you are best fitted to write .
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