Example sentences of "[art] world " in BNC.

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31 He wants to escape to the world of memory-residues , of disconnected images , for that is the world of fantasy , the world of fairy-tales and myths …
32 He wants to escape to the world of memory-residues , of disconnected images , for that is the world of fantasy , the world of fairy-tales and myths …
33 More , probably , has been written about this great hall-like chapel than any other building in the world ; but in fact no description , picture or photograph conveys the impact which it makes .
34 At this level of personal and intimate experience there is little competition from other observers ; only a handful of people in the world will ever see all the works in a catalogue raisonné .
35 The authentication of works of art from other parts of the world can be problematic .
36 Part of the reason for this is that the American professoriat is the largest in the world , while the American market for current art is unprecedented ; it is evident that the turnover of the American art market as a whole is the largest in the world .
37 Part of the reason for this is that the American professoriat is the largest in the world , while the American market for current art is unprecedented ; it is evident that the turnover of the American art market as a whole is the largest in the world .
38 It 's second rate , in any case ( he added smiling ) , so the artistic loss to the world will be nil .
39 The rival genius of Picasso has proved to the world that our age may be epitomized by works which ( show ) his unfailing sense of visual drama , his protean invention and his power of investing his creations with a hallucinatory poetry .
40 There are many galleries through the world , and it is no longer so difficult for an artist to show work independently .
41 A diagram of the art world , according to Wolfe , would be made up , in addition to the artists , of ‘ about 750 culturati in Rome , 500 in Milan , 1,750 in Paris , 1,250 in London , 2,000 in Berlin , Munich , and Düsseldorf , 3,000 in New York , and perhaps 1,000 scattered about the rest of the world .
42 The totems of American Indians , the carvings of Inouk , ancient bronze ritual vessels from China , and many more examples can be found through the world and the centuries .
43 Perhaps this is the more important in the late twentieth century now that this means of image-making is so familiar that some people actually imagine that a photograph shows the world as it is .
44 Kate Millett and William Kunstler went about the world protesting against the trial on the grounds that it was ‘ political ’ .
45 She ‘ knew ’ that ‘ she had come to a place at the end of the world ’ , a backwater where there was no action at all .
46 In Argentina , according to Naipaul 's journalism , such an act belongs to the fantasies of machismo : here , at the end of the world , and of Ahmed 's tether , it bears the mark of defeat .
47 The airmail letters which he exchanges with his liberal friends in England tell a worse story of them than they do of him , and hark back in fine style to that golden time when such friends used to kneel in London mosques with Michael X and other celebrities , squinting up at the Heavyweight Champion of the World 's effulgent arse .
48 It is a quite Caribbean Britain that has made her : a Britain at the end of the world which it used to rule .
49 Both novels see the world in colonial colours — as determined by empires , in the furtherance of which races have defeated and enslaved each other , in which they have met and married , in which a black mercenary might marry a daughter of Venice .
50 The novel ( or so I hope ) signals a separation between author and narrator with its very first sentence : ‘ The World is what it is ; men who are nothing , who allow themselves to become nothing , have no place in it . ’
51 I know exactly who I am and where I stand in the world .
52 He has published a second volume of autobiography , in which he deals with his years as a student at Oxford before and after the world war , and is now bursar of one of the colleges there .
53 From the point of view of the people of the Gorbals in the Thirties , fox-hunting and psychoanalysis would have been practically indistinguishable concerns of the rich in the Sassenach South , of the ‘ high heid yins ’ of the world — an expression of the poor in Scotland then , which Ralph Glasser uses .
54 Glasser thunders on : ‘ Both Lilian and Mary invested too much emotional capital in their opposition to father , whose influence naturally remained dominant , try as they might to escape ; and this imbalance distorted their view of relationships and of the world . ’
55 The queen of the authors is Harriet Scrope , novelist , plot-stealer , and ferocious egotist , whose war against the world she inhabits extends to her best friend and her cat .
56 A little earlier , a view of Eliot 's has been paraphrased : that ‘ there is no ‘ truth ’ to be found ’ in the world , ‘ only a number of styles and interpretations — one laid upon the other in an endless and apparently meaningless process ’ .
57 He was worshipped then for his talent and untimely death — perhaps a little as Eliot was to be worshipped , in the 1940s and '50s , for his saintly abstention from the world .
58 In books and interviews he has reminded the world that the French Surrealist poet Aragon , having praised Kundera 's excellent novel The Joke in 1968 , and having fulminated against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia — his legs would ‘ refuse ’ to take him to Russia any more — made it to Moscow four years later ; and that another French poet , Eluard , abandoned his Prague friend , the Surrealist Kalandra , to the executioner .
59 Nowadays , people all over the world unequivocally reject the idea of gulags , yet they are still willing to let themselves be hypnotised by totalitarian poesy and to march to new gulags to the tune of the same lyrical song piped by Eluard when he soared over Prague like the great archangel of the lyre , while the smoke of Kalandra 's body rose to the sky from the crematory chimney .
60 The lyric is not generically debarred from standing out against the state , or from taking a generous interest in what goes on in the world .
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