Example sentences of "well have [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 In this case a driver may well have exercised due care and attention but the offence of driving without reasonable consideration may still be committed .
32 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
33 A number of those involved were artisans from the Kentish towns , some of whom , particularly those connected with the cloth trade , may have had a special grievance , as a sharp decline in cloth exports after 1448 could well have caused local unemployment ( 66 , pp.96–7 ) .
34 Mr Smith , who is generally regarded as the clear favourite for the leadership , suggested that the ‘ misrepresentation ’ of Labour 's tax policy might well have caused some people not to support it .
35 The technical background to the Report was provided by Hunt 's evidence , and although this information appears to have been impartial , his relationship with Scott and interests in the site could well have coloured some of his evidence .
36 Such an act may well have provoked strong reaction in both ecclesiastical and lay circles , and Osred , exiled son of Alhred , was tempted back the following year from exile on the Isle of Man by the oaths of certain Northumbrian nobles ; but his supporters then deserted him and he was captured by King Aethelred and killed at Aynburg on 14 September 792 .
37 In the Seine and Loire valleys , for instance , the presence of Viking warbands over fairly long periods may well have stimulated local producers and sellers of horses and weapons and , above all , food and drink .
38 This image may well have borne some relation to reality at one time in the first half of this century and the second half of the last , following the process of industrialization which took men out of the home to work in factories .
39 It 's a fact of life and may well have triggered this particular incident .
40 Apes may well have produced new two-sign combinations that their trainers have been inclined to interpret as appropriately invented for some feature in the context .
41 By discriminating between experience in general and ‘ AN experience ’ Dewey ( 1934 ) may well have identified this important difference .
42 One answer , and a point we will develop at the end of this book , is to recognise that ethology and biology may well have identified some of the most basic relationships and processes ( preservation of self and kin , territoriality , different forms of bonding between parents and children , male aggression ) underlying human behaviour .
43 We were shocked to discover how important this secretive and ill-attended rite was , and realized that our aquatic curiosity might well have offended these creatures on whose appearance , or otherwise , rested the continuation of the entire festival .
44 But there has that happened since that may well have changed all . ’
45 In the context of what Canada achieved — solid victories over Fiji and Romania , a six-point loss to France in a game that most Canadians feel could just as well have provided another win , and , finally , defeat by New Zealand and a heart-stirring two-try finish — Birtwell and his squad have good reason to be satisfied .
46 Admittedly , the weather was worse , English fortunes were at a low ebb , and the higher charges may well have deterred many people , especially the Caribbean fans ; but one suspects that some thousands of people simply could not face the prospect of yet another day almost entirely given over to fast bowling .
47 The evidence given above indicates that Martin could well have accomplished this , particularly in the context of the significant advances he brought to the design of the musette , which demonstrate his innovative abilities as a maker .
48 Mr Gorbachev might well have won such a vote , and added to his formal powers the authority he now lacks .
49 An ordinary freedom-fighter or revolutionary — and there were a great many of them operating in the Holy Land at the time — might well have won popular support for his actions , but could not have been acclaimed as the Messiah .
50 A subdivision of so large a province may well have seemed desirable in purely pastoral terms .
51 Well we may as well have got that money and thrown it down the toilet !
52 I might well have got that onto another tape and then every time she says something you just say look what you 're doing !
53 Erm , you may well have got different directories , for the different years .
54 Howard might well have experienced some kind of contemporary equivalent , and therefore , have been interested in the latest turn of events in Texas .
55 In accepting a building society deposit as a substitute for a bank deposit , the customer may well have put that bank deposit into more active circulation .
56 These labour directors may well have initiated enlightened personnel policies , but that is a long way from real worker representation in the overall direction of the firm :
57 Edward I may well have had similar goals for England , Aquitaine and Ponthieu ( a clearer definition of feudal obligations , a shortening of the links in the tenurial chain and a more precise knowledge of the military service owed to him ) but the means by which those ends might be attained were very different .
58 The Declaration was , however , drafted at the end of January at Nuremberg and the curia may well have had advance knowledge of the text .
59 I might as well have had that shower , she thought drily ; at least I would have felt a hundred times more human .
60 Nevertheless , this attitude was probably not entirely a matter of hubris since the Treasury may well have had genuine doubts as to the potential effectiveness of planning [ Brittan , 1971 ] .
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