Example sentences of "but it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 The project of integration with which Brooke-Rose began provided sufficient material for ‘ four average , competent novels ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1977a:134 ) , but it also led to a frustration with available formal strategies which prepared the way for the radical change in direction her oeuvre was to take with Out in 1964 .
32 Not only does it ignore the sense in which suffering can be unwitting but it also begs the question in favour of saying , when specific symptoms like struggling or urination occur in animals , that these are properly to be seen as , emotional responses ' ( which covertly elicits our sympathy for the conscious distress of the stricken human parent rather than the symptoms of it observed in the struggling , yet unaware , athlete ) .
33 This defined heresy as any opposition to the Catholic doctrine of the sacraments , but it also specified that any preaching which took place without licence was to be deemed heretical .
34 But it also suffers from a lack of government confidence in its usefulness , either as a carrier for freight traffic or for pleasure cruising .
35 But it also seemed that the Treasury had wanted to forget about the competition , as three days later Hall sent them a long and detailed reminder about its progress .
36 ‘ War put child guidance on the map ’ , wrote Doris Wills — but it also put educational psychologists on the map , accentuated their claim to a permanent place in the education system as mediators between society and the educators .
37 But it also left her economically and psychologically exhausted .
38 Greek civilization not only gave rise to philosophy but it also produced , in the fifth century BC , the first real historians .
39 Not only does the picture add nothing to the text but it also does n't convey as much about the incident as the text .
40 Every letter contains a message — it may confirm an order , complain about a late delivery or clarify a point — but it also does a great deal more .
41 But it also guaranteed Fields equal say in the running of the company , by the expedient of comprising the board of four directors .
42 But it also points out that there may be cases where technology changes fast to the benefit of companies which wait or where environmental investment can be a competitive disadvantage when a company exports to parts of the world with less stringent regulations .
43 Mellor 's office in life may have been the big attraction , but it also got in the way of a good time .
44 Wearing so many ‘ hats ’ can be very manipulative because of being involved in everything but it also opens one up to being oppressed within the different groups .
45 But it also asserts that parents may need assistance in exercising their responsibilities , and here the Act takes a quantum leap from the old , restricted notions of ‘ prevention ’ , to a more positive outreaching duty of ‘ support for children and families ’ .
46 Michael Feist Countryside special sites could be in open countryside away from Government policies concerning sustainability , I wonder how Professor Lock would see the situation emerging whereby a local authority has allocated a certain amount of land in its local plan for development for industrial or commercial purposes , it 's tried to erm identify a broad range of criteria but it also identified special sites erm which will only be released in exceptional circumstances , that happened to be an open countryside and had the advantages that it may be a little close to the A one or somewhere similar .
47 Not only does Britain have an immense problem coping with its own industrial waste , but it also takes on that of other countries .
48 Not only does this give the manager more opportunity to spend the amount much more quickly , but it also takes it out of the accountant 's hands : accountants decide when cash is paid but managers and suppliers decide when invoices are issued .
49 The report emphasises that the parish ministry should be at the heart of the Church of Scotland in remote rural areas as elsewhere but it also expresses concern that this is dependent on adequate financial resources .
50 We hear thunder when it is close enough for its highest frequencies to reach us , but it also generates infrasonic sounds which travel much further .
51 The amount of the deadweight burden is higher the higher is the marginal tax rate and the size of the wedge , but it also depends on supply and demand elasticities for the taxed commodity or activity .
52 But it also depends on the time it takes to get the job .
53 It 's a tremendous responsibility , and challenges all your skills and training , but it also depends a lot on gut instinct .
54 The development of textile manufacturing in the fifteenth century was not only one of the most fundamental economic changes of the period , but it also took men away from farming , created a market for the sale of agricultural products and gave an incentive to the producer to grow crops and raise stock beyond the levels required for his own consumption .
55 This was done most dramatically and ruthlessly in Latin America , e.g. in Mexico under Juarez in the 1860s or in Bolivia under the dictator Melgarejo ( 1866–71 ) , but it also took place on a large scale in Spain after the revolution of 1854 , in Italy after the unification of the country under the liberal institutions of Piedmont , and wherever else economic and legal liberalism triumphed .
56 But it also offers a clue as to their ultimate demise .
57 Investment business — grasping the nettle Investment business holds pitfalls for the unwary but it also offers a significant business opportunity
58 As Shalev ( 1981 ) points out , comparative analysis not only raises substantively interesting and important questions but it also offers a natural and fruitful avenue for the advance of the discipline as a whole .
59 It can make provision to dovetail with schools or colleges for 16 to 19 year olds , but it also offers opportunities for students with special educational needs to continue their education when most schools and colleges no longer have courses for them .
60 This may be home to Mercedes , Bosch , Kodak and Porsche to name but four , but it also offers endless greenery from the banks of the winding Neckar to the baroque palace in the historic heart of the city .
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