Example sentences of "it [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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31 It may be of significance to hon. Members with constituencies in the King 's Cross vicinity that , at the very least , the alternative Baxter scheme will be no less disruptive to homes , highways and places of work than the BR proposals .
32 At a time when we are on the threshold of change , indeed very considerable change , in local government and when our burghs which have been with us since the earliest times are about to disappear , it may be of interest to look at the burghs of Scotland prior to the passing of the Reform Act and their position in the election of Members for the Westminster Parliament .
33 If , as is all too common , Scots lawyers have to apply in their own system a document imperfectly adapted to their own familiar terms , such as is the RICS scale in this particular , it may be of some advantage to know what ‘ rent reserved ’ means , at least in the country in which it originated .
34 I enclose the details of No. 22 High Street , as I understand that it may be of interest to your wife 's mother .
35 It may be of benefit to contact the newspapers direct , before sending the press release , to encourage interest in the topic .
36 If you qualify and wish to apply for a divorce : send for an application form using the tear-off part of this leaflet , but keep the remainder of the leaflet : it may be of help to you later
37 Although clearly unusual , it would be important to document the presence of this inflammation as it may be of considerable significance to the surgeon considering pouch reconstruction on removal .
38 Therefore , it may be of value to include the value of soluble ICAM-1 in the index of inflammatory activity in the clinical assessment and progression of inflammatory bowel disease .
39 Well it may be of course that that kind of thing has always tended to happen gather of society skirmishing goes on and young men are expected to go and find very often
40 This has not proved easy and the following trilogy of United States cases give an indication of the development of tests which may be applicable in the United Kingdom ( United States law has no binding effect on the United Kingdom courts but it may be of persuasive authority , particularly in the field of computer technology ) .
41 It may be of interest to many , particularly Bennett 's detractors , to know that he disapproved originally of the Main Force having H2S , even the earlier versions .
42 If a particular form of notice is prescribed , failure to serve notice in the prescribed form will not generally invalidate the notice ( Dean and Chapter of Chichester Cathedral v Lennards Ltd ( 1977 ) 35 P & CR 309 ) ; although where the timetable is tight and the landlord 's notice is required to state a rental figure it may be of the essence that the notice should do so ( Commission for New Towns v R Levy & Co [ 1990 ] 2 EGLR 121 ) .
43 It may be of some importance to provide in the expert clause that the parties have the right to make representations .
44 But I do think the minister er should er b be quite clear about that point er because er it may be of crucial importance , not just to the industry , er but also to the public interest who will want to know what the position is so far as er er these matters are concerned .
45 It may be of course it 's on , on auction because they ca n't get a mortgage on it .
46 Erm I hope it may be of some interest .
47 For example , if you have the situation where you want to put two occasionally-used machines quite close to one another , it may be to your advantage that their heights are exactly the same so the job can run across both tables .
48 Because what she wants is smaller and less costly than what has been set before her , she never recognises as gluttony her determination to get what she wants , however troublesome it may be to others …
49 However distasteful it may be to some people , this does at least provide a rational explanation for the behaviour of those bystanders , even if it does not excuse them .
50 A puff it may be to the deposed kings of world rugby , but the Taiwanese are taking the training stint , which will be used as a build-up to September 's Asian tournament , in deadly earnest .
51 ‘ I do n't think Hank realizes how devastating it may be to his mother when his book comes out , ’ Isobel went on .
52 Anathema as it may be to Welsh Rugby Union ears , this was something they realised at Twickenham at least five years ago and we have all seen the felicitous results .
53 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
54 It may be to them , but it is n't to me ; it 's still just a pile of bricks . ’
55 I think there 's one advantage in letting the Paymaster know because he deducts tax at source , whereas your second employer may not , and it may be to your advantage to be paying tax
56 Whatever other reasons may have existed — and however unpleasant it may be to be reminded of it — this is the same reason used in Germany in the 1930s .
57 It acts to foster rather than hinder the material and non-material interests of most groups involved in the planning process , although it may be to the short term tactical advantage of some not to recognise the fact .
58 Also it may be to the witnesses that things are different now he is no longer with us . ’
59 So — hard as it may be for some people to believe — we disinfected the whole place , sloshing the stuff everywhere .
60 Among the free churches there is no set system of redundancy procedure as there is for the Anglican Church , so that it may be for officials from the local congregation to decide if and how to dispose of vacant church property .
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