Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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31 I find it thoroughly fascinating , but I am sorry to say that as much as I enjoy your magazine there never seems to be much advice or any articles for that matter , for women like me .
32 I am sorry to say that all you were demonstrating was stubbornness and/or poor examination technique .
33 I am sorry to say that the same human impulses acted with me , particularly in relation to my bank manager , and I wrote a letter of acceptance .
34 Further to Neil 's Memo to you of the 24th June , I am sorry to say that Newport Borough Council came back to us saying that they could not meet with us on Friday 24th July after all .
35 I am sorry to say that there is no joy here , only despair .
36 I am sorry to say that the hon. Gentleman did not just stoop to the gutter in terms of smearing my hon. Friend : he used a series of inaccurate figures .
37 I am sorry to confess that I did not look forward to seeing him at all .
38 As has already been suggested , so pervasive has the term ‘ permissiveness ’ become that there are few , if any , commentators who are prepared to argue that the term is one that mystifies rather than elucidates .
39 As I emphasized at the beginning , the issue is not just one of zoological taxonomy , it is a problem of ethics , and unless you are prepared to argue that Koko the gorilla might become a Christian , ethics concern rules which apply to human beings but not to non-human beings .
40 Now sadder but wiser , we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business .
41 But fortunately most people who are asked to help in surveys are prepared to accept that they are appropriate people to answer questions on the survey for which they are approached , and particularly where people feel that they are being asked to give ‘ expert ’ information this can be seen as rather a compliment : ‘ If you want to know about how a housewife organizes her day I can tell you everything you need to know . ’
42 To the extent that people are prepared to accept that there is a crisis of capitalism there is a great tendency to see the problem as comparable to a machine breaking down ; either there is not enough oil , or else a part needs to be replaced or else some bolt needs to be tightened .
43 Whether or not we are prepared to accept that the Neanderthals had an advanced but abstract civilization , we are left with a question : what sort of civilization did the Neanderthals have ?
44 Whether this Luke is the same as ‘ Luke the Doctor ’ , who was with Paul in Rome while Paul was in prison ( Colossians 4:14 ) , is less certain , but most commentators are prepared to accept that he is .
45 Most sceptics about natural selection are prepared to accept that it can bring about minor changes like the dark coloration that has evolved in various species of moth since the industrial revolution .
46 Thus , we are prepared to find that the simplification pattern apparent in the findings of the doorstep survey may also apply to the outer-city neighbourhoods .
47 The duke and his close associates saw this small office as ‘ some mean to treat those folks who Club together and are disposed to believe that I 'm incompatible wt them ’ .
48 Nevertheless , none of the superpowers have been willing to say that they would not actually use these weapons in a second nuclear strike , on the grounds that for the deterrent to be credible the other side has to be convinced that a first nuclear strike would result in nuclear retaliation .
49 Many Western scholars have thus been prepared to speculate that the military programmes of the 1970s represented Brezhnev 's way of ‘ buying off ’ the Armed Forces establishment for supporting East — West detente .
50 She had expected passion and had been prepared to bluff that away , but this was different .
51 Things had been ticking along nicely between them , just as long as she 'd been prepared to forget that she wanted more out of the relationship than a roll in the hay and a bright ‘ cheerio ’ at the airport .
52 Once she had tried to describe these feelings to Brian , but , while he had been prepared to admit that her mother was virtually certifiable , he had given it as his opinion that her father had been a remarkable man and a fine artist and richly entitled to his eccentricities : indeed , it had been incumbent on him , Brian had implied , to flout the conventions .
53 Goodlad has been careful to see that the reactions of all participants — pupils , students and teachers — are recorded to measure the success of the scheme .
54 The reputation of the new drugs had preceded them and a ripple of optimism ran through the sanatorium , though Doctor Staples had been careful to stress that they were still in the experimental stage .
55 But even some admirers were puzzled by the aggressively public way he has pursued it , the more so since he has been careful to acknowledge that there may not be enough rebels to defeat the Government 's legislation with — ‘ a sad day for me ’ — Labour 's help .
56 I was never really good at pretending that I could assume my client to be innocent because I or my instructing solicitor had been careful to ensure that he did n't actually confess .
57 They have been careful to note that ‘ the analytical starting point must be labour market and economic restructuring ’ ( Forrest and Murie , 1986 : 49 ) , a position which is not shared by neo-Weberian theorists of consumption cleavages such as Saunders ( 1982 , 1986 ) .
58 This is done politely , and you are careful to add that if anything unfortunate has happened , it was certainly not deliberate , and you wish the sick person a speedy recovery .
59 By a notice of appeal dated 23 March 1992 the father appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had been wrong to conclude that he had no jurisdiction to make the orders sought and ( 2 ) having found that A. had been removed from his home with the father the judge had failed to order his return whether pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 or otherwise .
60 Darwin and Spencer had been wrong to argue that women were in a state of arrested development .
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