Example sentences of "when [pron] is [verb] that " in BNC.

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31 This is a particularly important point to bear in mind when it is realized that many technological developments operate at the edges of life , whether they be ventilators or incubators .
32 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
33 The significance of this will be apparent when it is realized that , while the sportsman is trying to get a sight of the tiger , the tiger in all probability is trying to stalk the sportsman , or is lying up in wait for him .
34 This is a paradoxical fact for those empiricists who think that new theories are derived from the facts in some way , but it is quite comprehensible when it is realized that precise experimentation can only be carried out if one has a precise theory capable of yielding predictions in the form of precise observation statements .
35 When each noun code is matched up with its appropriate argument ( e.g. when it is established that the boy is the agent , the girl the acted-upon , and the flower the instrument ) , we have reached the second level of representation of the sentence — functional-level representation .
36 It concluded ‘ that there would be little trouble in finding someone to take up the unassigned bonds when it is known that bonds in Sunningdale and other golf links have increased nearly 50% since their issue ’ .
37 Anthills are often seen decorated with flowers , and small offerings of food are displayed near the base when it is known that a Cobra is in residence .
38 Whilst there is so much contrary scientific opinion with regard to the dangers arising from asbestos dust , it is difficult to understands the IDA 's reliance upon the opinions of Professor McDonald when it is known that he derives a large share of his research funds from the asbestos industry itself .
39 When it is known that the police may be needed , give them plenty of warning and bear in mind that their shifts change .
40 This is what is meant when it is reported that a result , according to a particular test , is significant at , say , the 0.001 level .
41 Even academics , who are supposed to embody the quintessence of detached assessment , somehow respond with a lack of enthusiasm when it is suggested that their own methods of teaching , research , or organization might benefit from review .
42 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
43 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
44 The result is that the monarchy is immediately , and rationally , justified , when it is implied that the institution creates wealth or nationality .
45 Not a massive workload , even when it is remembered that consultation time and documentation time were not included in the data .
46 This takes on an added significance when it is remembered that geriatrics and the terminally ill are regarded as the failures of the health service and are often consigned to the young and inexperienced who , as one doctor recently put it , ‘ do strive very officiously to keep people alive because they are interested scientifically and they want to use every method they can as part of their training ’ .
47 This is particularly so when it is remembered that the working parties are serviced by the DES , whose influence on a group of disparate experts meeting only intermittently and working under great pressure , is very considerable indeed .
48 Furthermore , this comparison becomes even more shocking when it is remembered that the population at risk of being killed at work is less than half those who could be ‘ murdered ’ .
49 When it is remembered that at the same time the beginnings of large-scale industry could be discerned in Japan , it can be seen that a big absolute growth in this period masks a significant change in Europe 's relative position .
50 When it is remembered that the brain is a three dimensional structure it will be appreciated that very precise localisation of the activity picked up by surface electrodes is rarely possible .
51 When it is remembered that there are about 5,000 secondary schools the number opting out is very small .
52 This is particularly so when it is remembered that certificates are only granted in those cases where there are reasonable grounds for taking action .
53 It could be claimed that it is unacceptable for public money to be used to fund the Commissioner , especially when it is remembered that legal aid is not available for legal representation before Industrial Tribunals , for example , for unfair dismissal claims .
54 This is particularly remarkable when it is considered that Roddick has made no acquisitions and has no major plans for diversification .
55 Probably the adoption of the Gothic style for church schools is not so surprising when it is considered that the design of schools was a subject in which the influential Ecclesiological Society — the significant impact of whose views on church design has already been referred to — was prepared to interest itself .
56 Collecting bias seems to be greater for molars than for incisors , not surprising when it is considered that incisors are easier to locate in the pellets than are molars , and so an excess of incisors may be combined with a deficit of molars where there is collecting bias .
57 " It could n't happen to me and , even if it does , we have all got to die sometime " is a common self-justification that almost belies belief when it is considered that a life threatening " pleasure " is nothing more than a mere cigarette .
58 When it is considered that in the ‘ real world ’ mathematics does not come in the small , fragmented packages that so frequently exist on our syllabuses ( e.g. ‘ Fractions ’ and ‘ Decimals ’ , ‘ Addition ’ and ‘ Multiplication ’ , ‘ Perimeter ’ and ‘ Area ’ ) , it is not surprising that pupils are unable to get a useful overview , or see relationships .
59 probably the sensible course is for most books to be ordered sight unseen , with the occasional title requested ‘ on approval ’ when it is thought that seeing the book would be helpful .
60 However , when it is thought that attitudinism renders ethics irrational , the usual point is that ethical conclusions can not be inferred in any rational manner from premisses which are purely factual .
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