Example sentences of "assumed to be " in BNC.

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31 At this stage , services are liable to be restricted to those assumed to be at special risk' or whose circumstances warrant special priority ( p. 45 ) .
32 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
33 Max Jacob and Modigliani were always assumed to be good friends ; they had a great deal in common .
34 Moreover , they are assumed to be committed to different conceptions of the good and they think that they are entitled to press their claims on one another to further their separate aims .
35 The interest of subjecting one 's society and one 's life to such principles of justice is assumed to be everyone 's highest interest .
36 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
37 Labour topped the poll and won more than half the wards in the tier of local government usually assumed to be a Conservative stronghold .
38 On this single trial the α-value of the target must be assumed to be at the ( low ) level produced by pre-exposure — however rapidly α tends to change in a new context , the change will require at least one trial to occur .
39 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
40 Donaldson may be assumed to be referring to the Duke of Hamilton 's mausoleum at Hamilton Palace which Bryce executed after Burn had departed for London .
41 It is assumed to be adversarial , whether the couple feel adversarial or not , whether or not they have specifically agreed that they want to be sensibly amicable .
42 The assumptions lying behind such targeted programmes are that the ‘ problem ’ is a bounded one , concerned with ‘ pockets of poverty or deprivation ’ , restricted areas of decay , which can be remedied through relatively limited expenditure and precise targeting of funds and activities to ‘ special ’ , different , difficult problems , limited problems which remain to be rooted out , while the rest of the system is assumed to be functioning well and on course for prosperity and harmony .
43 There was assumed to be a counterpart in human events to every celestial phenomenon .
44 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
45 Within media studies , on the other hand , the temptation is to see a pre-given social identity of race , class , gender limiting the possibilities of infinite variety , so that readings are not so much ‘ produced ’ in particular settings as assumed to be the product of a fixed exchange between the reader 's social position and the text .
46 It is also the case that people 's sex can not be held to be an effect of their job or their work record ; sex must be assumed to be causally prior to both of these variables .
47 For the first six months of my mother 's pregnancy , I was assumed to be indigestion .
48 As Eyre ( 1987 ) reports , there is considerable variation of opinion relating to rates of deforestation ; FAO ( 1985 ) , for example , quote a figure of 3.0 per cent per year which is assumed to be due to commercial logging .
49 Burrough ( 1986 ) suggests that the area of the map covered by lines can be assumed to be an area of uncertainty .
50 Each input data source is assumed to be characterized by an error model that represents reasonable estimates of the levels and nature of the data uncertainty thought to be present .
51 A two-in-hand waiting opposite , which Lefevre had assumed to be plying for hire , trotted sedately up to the stage door .
52 The Namurian , Millstone Grit sediments have not been penetrated in any well in the area but are assumed to be present on the basis of the stratigraphic relationships deduced from seismic data .
53 In this case Tx was assumed to be negligible .
54 Why the date 1785 was used is uncertain ; it was said by Professor J.G. Wright to commemorate the meeting of the Odiham Agricultural Society when the first mention of the idea of improving farriery was made , but the strong possibility remains that it was originally meant to be 1875 , the year the College received its Charter of Incorporation and adopted its coat of arms , and that someone corrected what was wrongly assumed to be an error .
55 In a number of theories of text comprehension , such mappings are assumed to be made ( potentially ) at a number of levels .
56 A recent increase in reports is assumed to be connected with the re-establishment of a British breeding population .
57 They have generally been assumed to be massless , particularly as measurements of the electron-neutrino mass showed it to be less than a few ten thousandths that of the electron .
58 Loss of the nuptial pads is usually assumed to be a consequence of mating on land because , in other frogs and toads , their function appears to be to help the male to grip onto the female 's slippery back while mating in water .
59 What was previously assumed to be given for a single capital now needs to be explained .
60 The rate of surplus-value , s/v , is assumed to be 100 per cent , or 1 , in both departments .
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