Example sentences of "all over again " in BNC.

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1 And suddenly , I was that same , frightened Dorothy all over again .
2 They will then start all over again and go round the cockpit a second or even a third time .
3 I could hear the young man 's hiccoughy laughter all over again , this time with more telling effect .
4 Pound was to acknowledge some of them , all over again , years later in the Cantos .
5 Patience is not what we associate with Pound , and from time to time he seems to have kicked over the traces ( at least once to be ticked off for it by Dorothy ) : yet we see all over again that the young Pound was well content with Edwardian England , was hopeful of it and ready to abide by its rules in everything that mattered .
6 Certainly she could not compete on anything like equal terms with Hilda Doolittle , the poet H.D. who , having mythologised her relations with Pound in a roman à clef many years ago , did it all over again just before her death in End to Torment , a supposed ‘ memoir ’ which people seem disposed to take literally , though in its scattiness it may well be as fictionalised as the novel had been .
7 She feels she has lost a daughter all over again .
8 And then you get put in a new place and you got to start all over again , finding where things are and making friends and that .
9 At this point they would go to bed slightly earlier than the rest of us ( because they were tired ) , and start the delaying process all over again .
10 • They must now stick strictly to a 24-hour life-style — no late nights — or they will have to begin treatment all over again .
11 Then another spell of work , then the same all over again .
12 It was the Sixties all over again .
13 If he loses , he says he will begin all over again .
14 ‘ Wrote a snotty letter to the poor chap at Kenwards — I rang him up first , of course , he was embarrassed all over again — asking him to ask his client to leave mine alone .
15 I could n't bear to start the whole thing all over again .
16 But now they 're doing the whole thing all over again .
17 I shall become a refugee all over again . ’
18 Jinny was so amazed that she stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence and let him say goodbye and make their apologies all over again .
19 Then the whole process would begin all over again .
20 It is a narrow escape , but a few chapters later we find Abraham doing it all over again , this time in the city of Gerar ( ch.
21 Now he means to wipe out his people , as he destroyed his creation in the Flood , and start all over again with Moses .
22 ‘ I fancied you all over again . ’
23 I think he even said that in one of his last interviews , at 27 , that if he had to do it all over again , he would n't .
24 As he looked at her , preparing to bargain all over again , there was a splat ! of sparks from the light , a high-pitched sizzle , and then darkness .
25 Now the same process occurred all over again .
26 Suddenly I fell in love with that piece all over again , and also I think the Dresden orchestra was determined to prove that it was a truly great orchestra — which it is .
27 Wilson , shut up in her own world all winter , was astonished to learn what everyone else in Florence had known for many a month — French troops had poured into Piedmont and 1848 was to be repeated all over again .
28 The spectacular aerial shots , Prof Burland 's lightly worn erudition , the delicious dollops of Verdi and Rossini and the ever-so-slightly tongue-in-cheek commentary added up to a ‘ Carry on Leaning ’ that I felt obliged to watch all over again .
29 But if he has to do it all over again , there are likely to be two main changes : a tougher approach from the start and a campaign team which knows what time the Nine O'Clock News starts .
30 The scheme was a dismal attempt at wholesale social engineering , at wiping out the past and beginning all over again — although it has to be said that the new phonetic script itself , based on a design by someone called Kingsley Read , was rather attractive .
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