Example sentences of "for [pers pn] decide " in BNC.

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31 Can I assist here ? the motion that has been mooted and the amendment has been proposed the amendment has been accepted the question now is whether what the the motion has been made and uh it is a matter for you to go to your suggested that certain members be allowed to speak at the end of the day it is a matter for you to decide uh control of the who is allowed to speak on that particular motion as amended of course
32 So that 's another way for you to decide which bit of the problem you 're going to actually start on .
33 It must be for him to decide on the disposition of his force and the concentration of his resources on any particular crime or area .
34 It was easier for him to decide what was not true .
35 The Commissioner pointed out that it was not for him to decide how statutes should be interpreted but he was satisfied that the complaints about odours from the factory had not been ignored .
36 He seems to have thought that the pope ought to have maintained the decrees of his predecessor , but this was not a matter for him to decide .
37 It must be for him to decide on the disposition of his force and the concentration of his resources on any particular crime or area .
38 Thus it is a question of fact for the coroner to decide whether a death is natural or not natural and it is therefore for him to decide whether an inquest should be held .
39 It will be for him to decide , in the light of all the evidence , whether in respect of the relief claimed Hambros Jersey has a sufficient connection with England for it to be just for the English court to grant such relief .
40 Not only would I have refrained from interfering with Thorpe J. 's decision on the footing that he had properly directed himself and that it was for him to decide , but because , even on the facts as they then were , I consider that his decision was plainly right .
41 On the contrary , it remains for him to decide .
42 I told him it was entirely a matter for him to decide : that the Labour Party was my client and I would proceed on its instructions .
43 Under the Electricity Act 1989 , it is for him to decide on the methodology for developing renewable energy in Scotland .
44 Regulations provide that if local planning authorities are minded to approve a proposal , but judge that it involves a material departure from the provisions of the development plan , they are required to refer the matter to the Secretary of State for him to decide whether he thinks it fit to call in the matter for his own decision .
45 That is above all a matter for him to decide ; but I very much admire the way in which he addressed the House with his habitual frankness .
46 Can , can I just I thought that my perceptions of this was there were twenty schemes already in existence er split between parish wardens and parish constables and there was gon na be a report put back to the er home secretary for him to decide the way forward and er that er we would wait for the evaluation of that scheme before we went further .
47 The direction was for her to decide , not for him .
48 If she dislikes all outward signs of mourning , wanting people to wear their normal clothes and for the proceedings to be very quiet and simple , that should be for her to decide , but if she is of the old school , who prefer mourners to dress rather sombrely , you should try to persuade the rest of the family to do so whatever their personal opinions may be ; although care must be taken not to cause friction over this or anything else which may sour the family gathering .
49 Her lips tightened a little at what he must be thinking , but it did n't take long for her to decide that here she had the perfect lead-in to her problem .
50 But there was no way she could divulge the pivotal reason for her deciding to move here .
51 It is not for us to decide whether or not a book is racist or obscene or seditious ; society has laid down laws to make such judgments and has conferred upon statutory bodies the power to advise and assess on such matters — however imperfect or fickle such institutions may appear in their assessments .
52 Not surprisingly it is difficult for us to decide both how good and how genuinely popular all live variety was , let alone its precise relationship to the new entertainment of the movies .
53 It 's not for us to decide necessarily that we will we will treat effluence to a certain standard and pass the costs on to you , because that 's where it all goes to .
54 It is a pity not because sociology can not become like physics or , indeed , become a science — it is far too early for us to decide about either of these and related questions — but because sociology looked outside itself in order to discover the appropriate model of science to follow and , as it happened , it looked toward philosophical versions of science rather than to the practices of the sciences themselves .
55 Because these criteria it seems to me are a means to an end , for us to decide upon an appropriate general location .
56 UTOPIA : That 's for us to decide .
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