Example sentences of "[verb] be [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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31 It may be that demands were made beyond the capability of a particular individual , or the person concerned may simply have been to some degree in ill health .
32 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
33 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
34 A good response to training was associated with improved squeeze duration in our patients , but increased conidence in mastering anorectal function may also have been of some benefit .
35 Gould 's arrangements for his own children were meticulously considered , which must have been of some consolation to his wife , who had dutifully resolved to accompany her husband to Australia .
36 It must have been at some time , because I can speak it now .
37 This very large accession takes up where the first deposit stopped , and covers the years 1861 to 1920 , in addition to some titles and papers of earlier date which must have been at some time extracted from their proper place .
38 It must have been with some degree of cautiousness and a heightened sense of responsibility that Gould once more stocked up on shot , caps , and powder on his way back through Launceston for the journey home .
39 If I could have departed then , never reentered the house , it would have been with some strength of mind .
40 This being must have been in some way necessary to humanity , it is inconceivable that this is not so , for surely there would have been evidence of at least one enduring civilisation that had neither ‘ god ’ nor temple .
41 An argument for the co-evolution of dispersers and their trees is that they , in contrast , avoid the seeds , though in the past such seeds may have been in some way indigestible , promoting the relationship of today .
42 Though his thought may have been in some respects dry and narrow as a result , he set the agenda for modern philosophy and theology .
43 They were n't twins , but they could have been in some respects , she realised .
44 The tightly packed schiltrons might have been in some danger if the enemy 's Welsh archers had been used at once ; but Edward or his advisers thought they could settle things swiftly by an all-out cavalry charge .
45 I was offered post-natal support having been to some NCT ante-natal classes .
46 From the G M B point of view , of course , we have quite a sporting section and we 're proud to have this link er , with both of the organizations and we 're pleased to have been of some assistance to the er , British Boxers ' Asso Professional Boxers ' Association er , in er , this launch and establishment we felt , because we 've got the Scottish professional footballers , who are well established and er , are very much an integral part of the G M B and we 've got the Northern Ireland er , footballers , we 've got the rugby players and we 've got speedway riders all of which come under .
47 It is not known exactly how this operated , but it is presumed to have been on some kind of contract basis .
48 It appears to establish three categories : the first contains wordings generally agreed to be acceptable , the second wordings which appear to have been at some time problematic but are now acceptable , and the third wordings which remain inadmissible .
49 They seem to have been in some sort of vassal relationship with the Dzhungars until they broke away in the 1650s and 1660s .
50 Now if you cast your mind back to when we started the er discussion I did say I would talk about refer erm recommendations to you if you felt that this meeting had been of some benefit to yourself
51 In it she declared how glad she was to think : ‘ … that the letter written by me to the King of Prussia at a critical moment had been of some use ’ , though quite what effect the letter may have had is unfortunately not spelt out .
52 I knew only that it was dark , and had been for some while .
53 His interest in humanity now was stone dead , and probably had been for some time .
54 ‘ That you were having an affair — had been for some time . ’
55 According to Alcuin the oppression of the Church by the secular power had been for some time a feature of Northumbrian political and ecclesiastical life , but the problem now was that Eanbald was said to be accompanied on his journeys through Northumbria by a retinue more numerous than any which had attended on his predecessors and inclusive of low-born soldiers , and Alcuin affected to be at a loss as to why he needed so large a force .
56 At this moment the King , who had been for some time busily writing in his notebook , called out , ‘ Silence ! ’ and read out from his book , ‘ Rule Forty-Two .
57 He said it was broken , had been for some time , and that if I wanted a toilet I should go to the cafe upstairs .
58 The initial impetus came from the Managing Director of one of the largest of the Harris Tweed manufacturers — the son of a crofter and himself a fisherman in his early days The Association was , however , given its distinctive shape and its constitution by the first chairman , Rev. Ian Carmichael , a Gaelic-speaker from Lismore who was a minister in Stornoway at the time , and who had had considerable experience of welfare work in industry , and had been for some years vice convener of one of the largest local authorities in Scotland .
59 While there clearly was an ‘ objective ’ discontinuity of subject perspective between selective school mathematics and the practice of some segments , increasingly dominant within some countries , of university mathematics , and had been for some years , it again required interested actors , utilizing the climate of ‘ crisis ’ resulting from the campaign on teacher supply as a major resource , to enter various arenas in order to persuade others of the ‘ need ’ for change .
60 " Yes , " said Clara , beginning to understand the nature of her mother 's satisfaction ; the lack of telephone of Mrs Hanney had been for some years a subject for discourse in a vein of amazed contempt .
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