Example sentences of "be assumed " in BNC.

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31 However , normal irregular traffic is not likely to achieve this low figure , and an average loss of 0.75 of a lock will be assumed in estimating the use of water for the passage of boats over the summit .
32 This meeting also approved a circular letter which it is to be assumed canvassed for potential members .
33 Since no comment is made on the author being recently dead , it can be assumed that publication had been arranged while Leapor was still alive .
34 It can be assumed that the proposals were drawn up by David Garrick .
35 Given Richardson 's concern to fill out the second volume , it may be assumed that very few of Mary Leapor 's works escaped publication .
36 It can be assumed that this will eventually bottom out to include only those children whose handicap is so great that they require constant medical supervision of a highly sophisticated nature .
37 In any case , for him 7,500,000 votes was sufficient legitimacy , and it could , after all , be assumed by those of a religious turn of mind that God had already blessed his enterprise — could he have succeeded otherwise ?
38 Pupils ' progress should be registered against these levels : level 2 should be assumed to represent the performance of the median 7 year old ; level 4 that of the median 11 year old ; the boundary between levels 5 and 6 that of the median 14 year old ; and the boundary between levels 6 and 7 that of the median 16 year old ; ( d ) assessment should be by a combination of national externally set Standard Assessment Tasks ( SATs ) and assessments by teachers .
39 Loyalty had to be reaffirmed each time it was required ; it could not be assumed merely by reason of inhabiting a particular locality .
40 It had been a major error of judgement on the part of Lenin and the Bolshevik leadership , disregarding Lenin 's earlier warnings that it could not be assumed in any country that class issues would automatically supersede national ones .
41 Since any comprehensive peace implies a reduction of influence by , and local dependency on , the superpowers , it can not be assumed that either superpower has a strong interest in a genuine peace , unless it is able to derive greater advantage from peace than it can from continued conflict .
42 In the early 1980s an estimated 228,000 Jordanian nationals worked in the Gulf and it must be assumed that East Bank Palestinians , with a large number of dependants on the East Bank , are a majority of these .
43 What we need to determine now is what further processes , if any , must be assumed to operate during the habituation procedure if the results of studies of latent inhibition are to be explained .
44 It might plausibly be assumed that one of the effects of a long retention interval is to restore the lost arousing properties of a familiar context .
45 On this single trial the α-value of the target must be assumed to be at the ( low ) level produced by pre-exposure — however rapidly α tends to change in a new context , the change will require at least one trial to occur .
46 The hypotheses considered in the preceding section of this chapter ( that pre-exposure allows the formation of a stimulus — no event association , and so on ) still remain viable provided it is allowed that the associations they envisage can still be assumed to interfere with retrieval .
47 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
48 They should be ignored in normal practice and disinfection should be assumed to have taken place only at the time a chemical has been applied and after the requisite contact time has elapsed .
49 Nothing should be missed out and nothing should be assumed or taken for granted .
50 Donaldson may be assumed to be referring to the Duke of Hamilton 's mausoleum at Hamilton Palace which Bryce executed after Burn had departed for London .
51 Virtually any Arts and Crafts or Art Nouveau building can be assumed to have had a highly elaborate shopfront beneath .
52 When a specific pathogenic organism is implicated , such as the gonococcus , there can be assumed a natural cause-and-effect , and the presence of pus-cells is easily explained .
53 It will be assumed for the sake of argument that this patient had not indicated or is unable to indicate a desire that treatment on the ventilator be terminated .
54 She did quite a lot of snorting , quite a lot of brittle laughter and a very great deal of what Henry took to be assumed inarticulacy .
55 Still flexing his fingers , he started to dig them into the base of her neck , or rather , in the area where her neck might be assumed to begin .
56 It is rather that the whole point of a national curriculum will be lost if it can not be assumed that children at 11 will be ready for whatever is the generally agreed content of the first year at secondary school .
57 These concerns must be recognised as specific , which does n't mean that semiotics or Lacanian film theory has no relevance outside the established framework of Anglo-American and European cinema , but rather that their legitimacy should not automatically be assumed or their dominance remain uncontested in the light of developments within feminism at large .
58 However , if lenders and borrowers can be assumed to look further ahead than the immediate moment , and if their guesses about the future are anywhere near what eventually happens , the level of real interest rates in 1984–5 may be better represented by one of the last two columns of Table 8.3 .
59 It could , however , be assumed that those who argue that the third age is a time of fun , opportunity and new learning believe that all this stops when you become more frail .
60 It can not be assumed that women over 65 would have had an adequate screening history and therefore can be forgotten , or that there is no point in regular follow-up of older patients .
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