Example sentences of "could probably " in BNC.

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31 Enid felt she did not have the concentration for advanced driving or painting but thought she could probably try gardening .
32 A young process chemist could probably learn a lot about real life from this book , and the old hands should appreciate it as well .
33 Even in the largely loyal community of the school a hot little item like this one could probably only be shared by about five people before the newspapers got hold of the story .
34 Miss Ruth or Miss Joan , as she still thought of Mrs Lovell and Mrs Young , could probably do with a hand .
35 He might have an interesting tale to tell but it could probably be told in the space of thirty minutes and on later meetings hauled out and paraded again exactly as it was on the first occasion .
36 ‘ My dear fellow , you could probably find one in every gutter in Naples . ’
37 Well , if you were looking for the qualities Elinor had displayed in their years together , you could probably only have done better by marrying a man-eating tiger .
38 Some years ago Maisie had swallowed a whole bottle of vitamin pills and , although Henry had suggested that in his view Maisie 's stomach could probably have stood a diet of broken glass , aspirin and raw steak , Elinor had insisted on ringing Charing Cross Hospital .
39 The band could probably have signed to IRS but Hallin does not think it would have been the right move .
40 You could probably add to the list of possibilities .
41 Between them they could probably have established the reason for the failure quite easily .
42 This step is highly VAX/VMS specific and could probably be replaced by some more universal coding in the perturbation software .
43 Perusal of Fig. 6.5 indicates that it does appear to work , and that it offers a pragmatic solution that could probably be developed further into a general-purpose GIS ‘ error button ’ .
44 Staff could probably provide him with something to eat , but he would have to obtain water for himself .
45 Making a name for himself as a boxer in the army had come easy to him , and had it been peace time he could probably have gone a long way in the sport .
46 There seems to be no particular reason why the idea should not have cropped up earlier ( or indeed , later ) but , according to Bethe , its practical implementation could probably not have been much advanced because this depended on the development of high-speed computers and highly efficient fission triggers ; neither of these requirements could have been met at the beginning of 1950 .
47 If modest funding were made available the whole matter could probably be settled in a year or two .
48 The polymer layer could probably be engineered to prevent only bacteria known to cause decay from getting their first foothold on the teeth .
49 The defence argument put paid to yet another proposal in 1924 but in 1929 the Labour Government set up a Committee of Inquiry which concluded that a ‘ double barrelled ’ rail tunnel could probably be built although it would be necessary to drive a pilot tunnel to demonstrate its feasibility beyond doubt .
50 I never asked her , but I do n't imagine oral penetration figured as high on her list of priorities as it did on mine , and she could probably have done without the anal variety altogether .
51 Why was it the gorgeous ones passed through so fleetingly while others , like that paunchy , moist-palmed Vic Tatum from Marine Claims always managed to delay in her office , ogling , leering and making suggestive remarks that she could probably take to a Sexual Harassment Tribunal if she had a mind to !
52 This task could probably be best handled by the surrogacy agencies , who would need to be regulated , as adoption agencies already are .
53 Indeed , if one could find some way of starting the downswing , one could probably hit a satisfactory shot with a club head swung on a chain using the stiffness generated by the tension .
54 But then most of us could probably bluff our way into a second division club with a bit of nous .
55 Disconcerted , she admitted that she 'd only done this once before , that , in all honesty , I could probably do it equally well on my own .
56 If he stood on the shelf above the door , he could probably — possibly — prise the catch further open and maybe squeeze in .
57 For most sources the capacitor could probably be removed as any reasonable signal will not have any d.c. impressed upon it .
58 We could probably only charge about £4 a ticket , so even if we could do an Eastern European tour , we 'd lose so much money on it .
59 This is a very loud 25 watter , and you could probably gig it ; you could certainly gig it if your band miked up and used foldback .
60 I could probably live with it , but really this perfunctory business belongs out of sight .
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