Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adj] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 In relation to white British culture in particular , various factors combine to create a sense of unreliability in in-law support : the ambiguity about whether the in-laws are ‘ really ’ part of your kin group ; the possibility that the linking third party will be removed at some stage ; the expectation that in-law relationships are likely to be tricky at an interpersonal level .
32 Wider networks in schools are likely to be possible in the future .
33 The recommendation , and its ultimate partial acceptance , have been criticised on the grounds that lack of legal advice at an early stage may simply lead to disputes later on , to be resolved with the support of legal aid , and that the cost savings were unlikely to be substantial .
34 The relatively small difference in median age between the patients and the control subjects is unlikely to be important .
35 But this doctrine of matching policy instruments to policy variables is unlikely to be effective in all cases : for example , a desire for strategic reasons to protect a domestic defence industry from foreign takeovers , or a desire to maintain a diversity of ownership in the newspaper industry .
36 Their reporting of speeches is likely to be inaccurate in many ways , sometimes embarrassingly so .
37 Examples given in " Working Together " which may justify exclusion include cases where parents are likely to be disruptive or violent to the child or professional participants ( para 6.15 ) .
38 If a total of less than 1% of the population is undefined then the errors are unlikely to be great , but the reliability of the moments decreases sharply as the proportions of undefined materials increases , and the technique should not be used with a higher proportion of unknowns notwithstanding the convenience and availability of pocket calculators suitable to perform the arithmetic .
39 However , we are given that errors are likely to be proportional to t .
40 Planting can be in autumn or spring , the latter if winters are likely to be severe .
41 These may take the form of problems which even if proved empirically to influence resource needs do so in such particular , local , and sometimes subtle ways that statistical models are unlikely to be sensitive enough to be helpful .
42 Women in the trade unions are advising that unless 15 years of trade-union equality policies are negotiated into practice , any market-led advantages are likely to be short-term and easily reversible .
43 However , these advantages are unlikely to be important if scale economies are only limited in extent , and cost-based pricing is certainly easier to adopt .
44 It will be some time before Stewart can begin on the interior decor , but the furnishings are likely to be medieval in flavour , if contemporary in colour , with heavy tapestries draped from the walls and fittings boxed into the panelling .
45 Some fungi , bacteria and viruses are likely to be present in most ponds and aquaria , but that these do not cause problems until fish are injured or weakened in some way .
46 The above effects are likely to be important only at or below the glass transition temperature but they do not seem to have been analysed to date , nor is there yet a molecular interpretation of the frictional forces between chains arising from these and other causes .
47 I believe that there is a very complex social dynamic operating in this ( and other ) areas of education and that therefore simple cause-and-effect hypotheses are unlikely to be adequate .
48 These texts are unable to be critical of the framework within which prejudice and racism flourish .
49 Multi-purpose chips are likely to be popular with manufacturers , because they offer the advantages of reduced chip count and board space , and faster time to market .
50 Multi-purpose chips are likely to be popular with manufacturers , because they offer the advantages of reduced chip count and board space , and faster time to market .
51 THREE young canoeists are lucky to be alive this morning after they were plucked to safety minutes before being swept to sea .
52 You could tell the system to delay sending the faxes until , say midnight , when fax lines are likely to be quiet as well as cheap .
53 None of these four biases are likely to be consistent either across the two sexes or across different species : all four are more likely to affect estimates of variation in male success than estimates of variation in female success in polygynous species , though in contrary directions .
54 Lower gear ratios are likely to be suitable when the motor 's speed capability is restricted .
55 However , while the growth of the international financial system would seem to imply the need for increasingly centralised decision-making , individual countries were unlikely to be willing to relinquish the freedom to conduct their own economic affairs for the sake of the greater international good .
56 Blacks were right to be suspicious .
57 In conditions of general ‘ dollar shortage ’ the effects were likely to be significant .
58 The Marines were supposed to be afraid of nothing , but the sight of the villagers clawing their way back into the world was too much .
59 Likewise , leasing companies were unlikely to be able to retain more than one third of the aircraft they ordered on their own balance sheets .
60 Any effect on the number of road accident casualties is likely to be detectable only in the longer term .
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