Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] for the first time " in BNC.

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31 Yesterday afternoon the New York markets opened for the first time since Friday night and saw that sterling had weakened about 9 pfennigs since then .
32 In October , the Council hosted METROPIA XVI , a Euro-wide event for senior school pupils held for the first time in the UK
33 Doubt of this variety stems from a deficiency at the second level of understanding , the level at which Christian presuppositions enter for the first time .
34 France 's total wine exports declined for the first time in a decade last year .
35 The heavy makeup melting even in the air-conditioning , the legless beggar who sleeps under the office porch and cleans their shoes in gratitude , the slums you can not observe because no roads go through the swamps and whose inhabitants do not exist for the State because the census officials can not reach them , the bomb-carriers serving as flower-pots , the boys selling themselves to the rich English ex-public schoolboys , the girls selling themselves to the fat German tourists , the police raping the boys and the girls they are protecting in the police-stations , the Committee officers boasting to Kate about the elegant jerk-offs in the massage parlours , their ever-decorative ever-bored wives boasting to Kate about their jewellery , the Thai girls saving up for eye and breast jobs , the luxury hotels where the high-class white whores hang out , the students shot by the military during a demonstration against the army regime , the girl students daring for the first time to stay out at night on the streets to picket , the crushing of strikes with bullets and beatings , the barring of political books in the Committee library , the anti-Communist adverts punctuating the Western films on TV .
36 Microscopy has come a long way since the 1670s when Antonie van Leewenhoek used his relatively crude instruments to see for the first time the bacteria that inhabit worlds normally hidden from the naked eye .
37 In his comprehensive Apples Of England , Dr Taylor states that ‘ In England this variety only reaches full maturity in years of hot summers , ’ and goes on to say that ‘ Indeed , November- December-picked Sturmers are the best , ’ and , with a basket-full of fine specimens picked for the first time ever in the latter month , I agree .
38 Sonia Delaunay later expressed this theory in its simplest form : ‘ Pure colours used as planes are juxtaposed in simultaneous contrasts to create for the first time a sense of form , achieved not by clair-obscur , but through the relationship in depth of the colours themselves . ’
39 Our findings reveal for the first time death rates of babies born before term who survive into late adult life , although duration of gestation was recorded for only half of the men .
40 Our findings demonstrate for the first time increased expression of ET-1 in the lungs of patients with CFA compared with the lungs of subjects without CFA .
41 With the widespread translation of Early Irish stories into English around the turn of the century a younger generation of Irishmen and women discovered for the first time a fresh and potent source of images to define their sense of nationality .
42 On the seventh of September the clouds broke for the first time , the wind subsided , and the sun came out .
43 This was held on 17 November 1933 , women voting for the first time .
44 Just under half ( 48% ) of women marrying for the first time in 1987 had lived with their husbands prior to marriage compared with 19% of those marrying in the late 1970s and only 7% of those marrying in 1971 .
45 None the less , women married for the first time in the 1930s actually had family sizes only just below replacement rate .
46 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
47 South African authorities have for the first time permitted Mr Nelson Mandela to talk by telephone with exiled leaders of the African National Congress from the prison where he is held near Cape Town .
48 These photographs show for the first time the lives of people who , in the spirit of the age are changing from a silent minority into a rebellious one .
49 Participants from the former Soviet republics attended for the first time on Nov. 23-24 a meeting in Paris of the 17-member Co-ordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls ( COCOM — once primarily a forum for controlling the acquisition of sensitive Western technology by the Soviet Union and its allies ) .
50 On Feb. 14 , however , Nichol met representatives of the Association of Chief Ambulance Officers , and on Feb. 20 management and unions met for the first time since October in a session with the Advisory , Conciliation and Arbitration Service ( ACAS ) .
51 , Principal Inspector of Ancient Monuments , will give an illustrated talk , using specially commissioned slides seen for the first time , on the fascinating story of the oldest Royal Regalia in the British Isles .
52 In thus questioning whether poverty should be defined as existence in conditions below the barest subsistence minimum , or whether a higher minimum standard should be established in the interests of humanity and of aiming for high national standards of comfort and efficiency , Bowley and his colleagues raised for the first time some of the problems concerning the definition of poverty , which have remained at issue ever since .
53 Delegations attending for the first time came from Cambodia , Egypt ( with 250,000 French-speakers ) , Bulgaria ( with 350,000 ) , and Romania ( with 1,100,000 ) .
54 Nearly half of those registered are in the jobs market for the first time .
55 So far as more academic scholarship was concerned , the Nag Hammadi Scrolls appeared for the first time in English translation in 1977 , and within two years had inspired Elaine Pagels ' best-seller The Gnostic Gospels .
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