Example sentences of "[be] shown to be " in BNC.

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31 ‘ Content validity ’ ( C2 ) refers to the extent to which individual items can be shown to be measuring the same underlying skills or abilities .
32 Where the subtests can be shown to be reliable and valid , such subtests scores may provide a useful profile of the child 's ability in a variety of areas .
33 Hinshaw makes a distinction between the ‘ cognitive ’ and ‘ evocative ’ contents of knowledge suggesting that the ‘ truth ’ , at the semantic and syntactic levels , can be considered in isolation from the social basis of knowledge in so far as it can be shown to be cognitive rather than evocative .
34 The criterion of distortion is that statements are made about the society which by social-scientific methods can be shown to be positively in error , whereas selectivity [ i.e. primary selectivity ] is involved where the statements are , at the proper level , ‘ true ’ , but do not constitute a balanced account of the available truth .
35 Attitudes can then be shown to be important in the learning of a language , whether signed or spoken .
36 This can also be shown to be true in BSL , indicating that surface features of languages may be used in different ways to express conceptual material but that these differences should not be seen as deficits .
37 The problems of life-histories and oral history are fairly self-evident : they can not be shown to be representative or valid .
38 In rodents it is difficult to identify an area that corresponds to temporal visual cortex , there is debate about the existence of a parietal visual area , and the prestriate cortex has yet to be shown to be subdivided on the basis of submodality as in primates .
39 The choices , assessments and selections which go into formulating a strategy , and the ingenuity or crassness displayed in implementing it , must themselves be shown to be determined by factors other than intentions .
40 Increase in enamel thickness , but the enamel is even thicker than in afropithecins , as measured for the Pasalar sample , with relative enamel thickness of 19.71 ( ref. 47 ) , although it has yet to be measured for any of the African Kenyapithecus ; this character may be diagnostic of node 1A if it can be shown to be ancestral for both pongines and hominines ;
41 If crime and deviance could be shown to be vitally necessary then this would be a serious blow indeed to the correctionalist stance — of both positivists and classicists .
42 Yet they can be shown to be in some sense the implicit guardians of morality .
43 As Stocking has shown , an innovation may be shown to be effective but not adopted widely , whereas another innovation may not have been demonstrated to be effective yet can become widely accepted in practice .
44 In each case these writers can be shown to be trying to place the other outside the sphere of mastery rather than in a relation of negation or of reduplication of the self .
45 He therefore sought to prove both that the structures of history were necessarily dialectical and that the course of actual history could be shown to be so .
46 But in either case , unlike the Hegelian essential section , where each event can be shown to be in an essential articulation with the whole in a continuous and homogeneous spatio-temporality , a cross-section at any particular moment will show a heterogeneous array of presences and absences .
47 New historicism is most concerned with the late Foucault , in particular with representations and mechanisms of power , the means through which cultural artefacts can be shown to be not passive reflectors of the history of their time but active producers of it .
48 Once one had accepted the initial premise of statements about witchcraft , the processes of thought could be shown to be the same as those entailed in scientific thought .
49 Leaving out the copula ( to be ) , using double negative , interchanging subjective and objective pronouns ( he and him ) can all be shown to be rule governed and consistent dialect practices , not evidence for an inability to express logical relations as Greenfield and some of the writers she cites had claimed ( 1972 , p. 173 ) .
50 Unless the principle that promises ought to be kept can be shown to be compatible with the appropriate respect for liberty , it offends liberalism by imposing a kind of moral paternalism .
51 Thus the total number of transactions T in the economy can be taken to be fixed if full employment is the norm , or alternatively the assumption that the quantity of money has no permanent effect on the real sector of the economy implies that T is independent of M. Consequently there should be a definite relationship between the quantity of money and the price level if the velocity of circulation can also be shown to be independent of M.
52 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
53 In many ways , their crazy actions are analogous to the hysteria of young girl pop fans , who on first sight seem to be totally out of control , but can clearly be shown to be engaging in an intentional , conscious and structured activity .
54 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
55 The hypothesis that states pursue their national interest could be shown to be empirically superior to its rivals , thus grounding a Positive science of international relations .
56 The danger consists in imagining some essence of Christianity , for example , that , because it may be shown to be immune to scientific criticism today , is assumed always to have existed and therefore , properly understood , is always impervious to criticism .
57 To remedy this , he suggests that arts education must be shown to be " vocational " , which is to say that arts should be shown to provide education for living , acting , doing , knowing , thinking , and enjoying .
58 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
59 Justification by inference is conditional justification only ; A's justification is conditional upon the justification of B and C. But if all inferential justification is conditional in this sense , then nothing can be shown to be actually , non-conditionally justified .
60 The — s of cows can be shown to be a semantic constituent by the normal test :
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