Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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31 So you gave him the key .
32 Once you knew what the routine was , it was much easier to fit in .
33 However , once you understand what the lace carriage does you will realise that it is n't a separate mechanism so much as a supplement to your knitting carriage .
34 now that we know what the problem is , we get , we 're on top of it .
35 We have to make sure that we know what the customer wants ; they know what we can do for them , at what cost ; where ; when ; how and
36 Equation ( 7.6 ) assumes that we know what the UK and US inflation rates will be over the course of the year .
37 ‘ Mrs Shakespeare , ’ said the interviewer , ‘ now that we know what the terrorists are asking in return for your son 's life , has your view of the situation changed ? ’
38 Then later , couple of months later when we found that list checked that we understood what the list meant and we presented that list to our church meeting .
39 And it was n't until we started analysing for zinc that we realized what the problem was .
40 After being swamped by people demanding that we give them the freebie SEAL course , we have , after long and difficult nights of deliberation , come to a decision .
41 I was just having a word with one of your colleagues here trying to take up what Mr 's point was and I think we 've come up maybe with a compromise , is that we call him the County Public Protection Officer .
42 Perhaps the hon. Member for Cardiff , North agrees with me that , although one knows what the problem is and the damage that it is causing , it is very difficult to get anything done about it .
43 Although I 've no doubt you know better than we do what the opposition are
44 ‘ With the Bob Marley exhibition ( which toured last year ) Adrian had taken most of the pictures , so we knew what the images were .
45 He looked like a wild thing so we called him the Yeti .
46 on and that way you can find out who the candidates are , and once we know who the candidates are we can start going out and seeing if they have public meetings or whatever .
47 Once we grant ourselves the licence to collect the physical artefacts of software , there remain , at least at first sight , respects in which software is both like , and unlike , traditional museum objects .
48 And I think that there 's a massive problem that needs to be addressed , and I think we should involve those people themselves , also in looking at what the issues are , it 's all very well for people to decide , workers to think that they know what the issues are .
49 Yes Chairman , of the hundred and sixty thousand plus cost , erm , part of the contribution by the major servicing committee , and I understand that they advised me the balance has been made from local contributions , and charitable sources .
50 But you can see that er for someone who has no , a wife who has no income and her husband 's paying twenty five percent or forty percent then by moving a , say er twenty thousand at erm well er whatever percentage to fill up these allowances er if you 're getting ten thousand or twenty thousand put , put it into the wife 's name that they give us the interest is then hers , if she has no other income it neatly can be swallowed up by the allowance .
51 It 's part of the school 's job to convince parents that they want what the school wants and values .
52 Is he aware that they posed me the question , ’ Is anybody in the Government prepared to stand up and fight to defend the coal industry ? ’
53 But anyway we , they must have been so impressed by the , the order that they got , that they gave us the agency for Galashiels and Selkirk for the Austin .
54 Good grief it must cost them a fortune to erm you know , pay for all these then , so they give you the Walkman to , while you 're doing this and they give you the batteries , tt
55 Traditionally , every spring , a campaign is launched , but this year we must hold a special campaign to ensure that everybody knows what the way ahead will be .
56 Implicitly , the Government was saying that it knew what the problems were , and how they could be tackled .
57 But what makes this machine really special is that it offers you the chance to create an unlimited range of embroidery designs .
58 What she most relishes about no longer having to worry about where the money to pay the rates is coming from is that it gives her the freedom to be creative .
59 Their reaction was so encouraging that it gave me the strength to carry on .
60 Another experience was when he was praying before the crucifix in San Damiano and it seemed to him that it gave him the message , " Build my church " , which he immediately interpreted quite literally as , " Save this church from crumbling into ruins " .
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