Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Inheritance therefore benefits those who already possess substantial capital assets .
32 It gives additional information which can be used as experience grows and by those who already possess some knowledge of Homoeopathy .
33 The threat to the ‘ young ’ mentioned here by the then Home Secretary was probably the fear most frequently expressed by those who later resisted legislative change in this area .
34 This one has been produced on the basis of wide consultation , with the views of those who actually play professional cricket rightly given the strongest consideration .
35 ‘ In the late ‘ sixties those who now lead this movement wanted to get away from a Christianity that was centred around buildings and meetings and give time to developing relationships .
36 THOSE who fondly believed British tennis could get no worse have again been proved wrong .
37 His aim was to boost flagging sales , and for the first time during the recession new cars came within the grasp of those who still had some cash .
38 Purgatory , according to Roman Catholic faith , was a state of suffering after death in which the souls of those who died in venial sin , and of those who still owed some debt of temporal punishment for mortal sin , were rendered fit for heaven .
39 And should be chucked by those who still have some idea of what a good society should be .
40 This method of locating those with power , the ‘ reputational method ’ , was presumed to allow one to see behind the democratic facade of the formally democratic institutions of American government and locate those who really held political power .
41 Deprived after Nechtansmere of the land and tribute from the Picts and Irish which probably underlay such power , Northumbria is likely to have been a poorer as well as a less dominant kingdom .
42 There is nothing in the Act of 1987 which expressly removes any part of that protection .
43 The mysterious disguise hid the identity of the figure , but could not conceal that it only had one arm .
44 The forefronting of the Doctor Who monsters , in the wake of the Daleks , was a development which pleased Verity Lambert in that it virtually guaranteed constant press interest in the programme .
45 If you 're under 60 you automatically get free life assurance for the amount you owe , subject obviously to certain modest qualifications .
46 Note 2.6.9 We now see one advantage of placing the function symbol to the right of the element it operates on , namely that the combined effect of f followed by g is naturally denoted by
47 In 1937 she also did another season of variety , for which she always insisted on having her material specially written .
48 Would the two who already knew each other be together ?
49 In 1956 we still breathed pure air , even in Athens ; the magic beauty of the countryside had not yet vanished from the most famous sites , and there was no discotheque on the islands .
50 We had been used to seeing bigger names travel here but somehow or other they never showed top form .
51 This approach contrasts with s35 of the TDA 1968 which expressly provides that failure to comply with that Act does not render any contract void or unenforceable .
52 And with a miserable face like hers I 'm surprised you ever get any work done at all . ’
53 ‘ Even if these tests on the scissors are positive we still need more evidence . ’
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