Example sentences of "to [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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31 Some values , attitudes and emotions have been subject to modification over time , but the essential orientations outlined above have not been discarded .
32 Successive governments have refused to implement the recommendation of the Evershed Committee in 1953 that the costs of going to law over issues of general public importance should be paid out of public funds .
33 Although initially encouraging , the approach proved to be fruitless and both bodies made independent arrangements within separately developed policies which were to lead to disagreement over the Cambridge Board 's RAC scheme for liberal adult education throughout the region , and which is considered in the next section of this chapter .
34 Critical self-reflection does not have to be confined to self-questioning over the grounds of one 's beliefs and actions .
35 The Cabinet is split from top to bottom over the Prime Minister 's policy of using Common Market grants for tax cuts instead of for the provision of help to deprived areas .
36 Got Ohm 's Law , current is equal to voltage over resistance , well we have n't changed voltage , we 've kept that fixed .
37 So ehm , so , what she going to work over there then .
38 However — with the loss of Jordanian sovereignty — until the United States accepts the Palestinian claim to sovereignty over the occupied territories , Resolution 242 is bound to remain bereft of meaning , since there is no US-recognized state to which the West Bank and Gaza can be returned .
39 When Argentina recognises the right to self-determination and freedom of association of the Falklands people , and gives up her claim to sovereignty over the territory , we might be more amenable to trade and contact .
40 As a result it would be possible for the French at some future date to renew their claim to sovereignty over Aquitaine , and for the English to do the same in respect of the crown of France .
41 Thus in 1296 he consulted his council of magnates who advised him that a certain papal provision would prejudice the crown ; and in 1299 he contested the pope 's claim to sovereignty over Scotland as a threat to the dignity of his crown .
42 During the course of Edward 's long reign the English crown attained what , according to one historian , amounted to sovereignty over the English church .
43 He informed them of Gen Morgan 's visit to Belgrade two days earlier , and Tito 's refusal to back down on his claim to sovereignty over Venezia Giulia .
44 When my right hon. Friend sees the new Irish Prime Minister soon will he tell him that the biggest contribution the Irish Republic can make to peace , stability and reconciliation in Northern Ireland is to renounce its claim to sovereignty over Northern Ireland , as that claim encourages Irish Republican terrorism and gives it legitimacy , as well as being the strongest stumbling block in the way of all-party talks aimed at constitutional progress ?
45 However , he confirmed that Argentina 's claim to sovereignty over the Falklands , set to one side during the negotiations , would continue to be pursued in international forums .
46 Less than a week after achieving full independence on June 19 [ see p. 18159 ] , Kuwait was threatened by a claim to sovereignty over the whole of its territory by the Iraqi leader , Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem .
47 The draft agreement would guarantee Guatemalan access to the Caribbean and could , if ratified by both sides and confirmed by public referendum , lead to the abandonment of Guatemala 's historic claim to sovereignty over Belize .
48 Although Denmark and the UK won temporary exemption from lifting internal border controls , Spain refused to sign at the last minute on the grounds that the agreement might prejudice its claims to sovereignty over Gibraltar . ]
49 The transfer project , conducted between 1953 and 1955 , was designed to establish settlements on the barren islands in order to assist Canadian claims to sovereignty over the region .
50 It concerned Canterbury 's claim to primacy over the whole of the British Isles .
51 The question which remains to be solved is : were these phrases added to existing documents in 1070–72 to support Lanfranc 's claim to primacy over the whole area of the British Isles , or were they added as a last resort in 1120 , when the claim which Lanfranc , Anselm and Archbishop Ralph had all supported was facing final and irrevocable defeat ?
52 So I thought I 'd better get some petrol in case Mr Marius Steen did come up to town over the weekend .
53 As a very old colleague points out : ‘ It 's better than going to war over it . ’
54 If Marshal Piłsudski and Colonel Beck , the Polish leaders in Warsaw , were upset that France had not given them stronger backing over the Wilia crisis , then they were also relieved to find that Hitler was not prepared to go to war over the city — at least not yet .
55 ‘ But it 's not decent to go to war over something like this , ’ I screamed , thumping my fist on the table so that the cups on the dresser rattled .
56 Gangsters go to war over Pepsi
57 Britain and France had gone to war over Poland when it was invaded by Hitler in 1939 , there were numerous Polish-Americans concerned about its future , and a Polish ‘ government-in-exile ’ already existed in London .
58 His silence about Megara is not complete : Pericles is described as telling the Athenians that they will not be going to war over a trifle , if they refuse to rescind the Megarian decree as the Spartans demand .
59 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
60 FOUR ex-servicemen have been booted out of a British Legion social club after going to war over what they believe are missing funds of up to £250,000 .
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